Helpful Posts:
29th June 2009, 02:47 PM
Song Sparrow
Juvenile Song Sparrow

Canon 100-400 @f/5.6 ISO 1250 1/400"
29th June 2009, 06:57 PM
Re: Song Sparrow
very beautiful.
I like how nicely the background is blurred so only a pattern and structure of colours are left. These colours does fit the scene and the 'sharp colours'very wel. The sharp colours look very natural and I like it.
I keep wondering if it should look better if there was less tree and more bird (more zoomed in on the bird itselve).
29th June 2009, 09:56 PM
Re: Song Sparrow

Originally Posted by
Jim B.
Juvenile Song Sparrow
Hi Jim,
Personally, I'd shave just a whisker more of the background off the left hand side (only a little).
What-ever else you do, don't enter it in the monthly competition though will you!
30th June 2009, 08:46 PM
Re: Song Sparrow
Thanks for your comments.Colin,here's the edit with the left cropped.Too much?

30th June 2009, 09:32 PM
Re: Song Sparrow
This is a great picture. I would also clone away the white stuff on the tree. I also see something under his beak, may be it is my monitor.
Also I think there is too much tree in the picture. if the focus is supposed to be on the bird.
Great job!
By the way, how do you guys take these pictures? You sit there and aim the lens toward an area like this and wait or you chase them around? Sorry, stupid question
1st July 2009, 10:25 AM
Re: Song Sparrow
Thanks for the comments and the critique.This photo was taken in an open field on a friend's farm.I saw a lot of activity along a fence line,walked up and settled in for about ten minutes until the birds got comfortable with me near.There were at least 6 different types of birds around.This one was in the range of the lens I was using.
1st July 2009, 07:11 PM
Re: Song Sparrow
Hi Jim,
A good, no; excellent shot I'd have been pleased to have taken.
I think Ali is right on two counts; the poo does detract and is probably worth cloning out and there is something in shot below the beak, which I think is also real (possibly a hair), but it distracts, so a quick click with the healing brush should fix it.
Another unfortunate factor you had no control over, just like the other two, is the size ratio of tree:bird, you need a bigger bird or a smaller tree stump! Don't ask me how 
All that apart, it is a lovely image of the little chap, nice and sharp with good local contrast and exposure, not to mention the bokeh (f5.6 at 400mm and 1/400 I think).
Also remarkably noise free for the ISO of 1250, any PP noise reduction to achieve that, or did the downsampling to 800 pixels help?
2nd July 2009, 12:33 PM
Re: Song Sparrow
Hi Dave,
Thanks for your critique Good points given.It was overcast,so I had to crank up the ISO to get 400 shutter speed.There was some noise,but not too bad.I ran it through Neat Image. I'm finally to the point where my exposures and my PP skills are improving.My weak point is definitely composition.I thought I had a decent eye for this,but obviously I don't.
I'll rework the picture and post result when I get the time.
2nd July 2009, 02:00 PM
Re: Song Sparrow
Very nice shot Jim.
Having read the the different views and the tips to put the photo right in the view of the beholder, it shows my lack of experience in composition as I could find little wrong in the
1st example.
Its an interesting learning curve since joining CiC.
The trouble is,vitually every photo I take now is trashed as I think they are rubbish
2nd July 2009, 03:09 PM
Re: Song Sparrow
Thanks,Crusty.Pardon me for not knowing your name.Take heart!It gets better as you go.I've only been in this for 18 months and already have seen a great improvement in my technique and PP skills.I post here to get help from others that have more experience and a better understanding of the processes than I.
I have been on all the photography forums I could find on the internet and CiC is at the top of the list.
I don't trash photos that I like even if they aren't pleasing to others, but it's nice to get different views because they help me improve.I have to say that any help I have recieved here has been spot on
2nd July 2009, 03:20 PM
Re: Song Sparrow
Quick edit.Cloned out the spot near the beak and cropped.What do you think?

2nd July 2009, 10:24 PM
Re: Song Sparrow
Hi Jim,
Lookin' good to me
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