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Thread: Talking Fruit

  1. #1
    ucci's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Seymour, Vic., Land of Oz
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    Ken Outch

    Talking Fruit

    Some one told me, which I naively accepted, that this is what pomegranates do when they are ripe. Anyway, this is what these two from our tree did. There is the famous painting called "The Laughing Cavaliers." Here, if you use a fair amount of imagination, we have 'The Laughing Pomegranates. Either that or two old chaps with the disgusting habit of masticating their food with their mouths open. Which ever, this pix will never be famous like the Cavaliers.
    FYI we planted the tree, which we love, but found as for the fruit, we don't. So it gets the flick to the trash.
    Thanks for viewing. Comments and critiques most happily sought.
    old ucci

    Talking Fruit

    Talking Fruit

  2. #2
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Talking Fruit

    Ken, you can send me all of them you like! As for the shots, sharp and good color but I would fix the fix in #2. I seem to remember as a kid, my brother and I getting a verbal lashing for doing something similar at the dinner table with our baked patatoes.

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