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Thread: On the Crash Course!

  1. #1
    Alis's Avatar
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    On the Crash Course!

    On the Crash Course!

    Please comment
    Last edited by Alis; 27th June 2009 at 09:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: On the Crash Course!

    Hi Ali,

    Another cute photo of your son with the good composition we've come to expect.

    If it were mine, to make a very good shot 'great', I would;
    1) Clone out the orange lid thing lying on the ground on the right
    2) Remove the blown bit of sky
    3) Tone down the highlight behind your son's head (just a bit)

    Then it'll be just about perfect (IMHO)

    When I see your (excellent) shots I realise the opportunities I have missed while mine were growing up, so keep at it!

  3. #3
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: On the Crash Course!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Ali,

    Another cute photo of your son with the good composition we've come to expect.

    If it were mine, to make a very good shot 'great', I would;
    1) Clone out the orange lid thing lying on the ground on the right
    2) Remove the blown bit of sky
    3) Tone down the highlight behind your son's head (just a bit)

    Then it'll be just about perfect (IMHO)

    When I see your (excellent) shots I realise the opportunities I have missed while mine were growing up, so keep at it!
    Thanks a lot, Dave. Great points. I keep missing those fine points but I think I am getting better.

    And I think kids are always kids to their parents, so it is never too late. To be honest, I wish mine could follow a simple command like "Stay where you are for two seconds!"

    Thanks again.


  4. #4

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    Re: On the Crash Course!

    Looks good to me Ali,

    In addition to Dave's points I'd suggest also a wee burn around the ground in the foreground (it's looking a bit washed out).

    Another technique I use a lot is using the burn tool to increase local contrast around areas that need it (trees are usually prime candidates) - just set it to shadows (or sometimes mid-tones) about 4% with a soft brush (40 to 60%) and just "tap" over a few areas a few times.

    It requires a bit of practice - and it can definately be overdone - but done correctly it definately "lifts" the image quite considerably.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: On the Crash Course!

    Hi Ali, Colin,

    I almost suggested the fourth point too.

    I like the idea of the trees tip Colin, but in this particular image, I do wonder if enhancing the contrast of something so peripheral might distract from the main subject?

    You might well prove me wrong, but then at least I'll learn in the process

  6. #6

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    Re: On the Crash Course!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    I like the idea of the trees tip Colin, but in this particular image, I do wonder if enhancing the contrast of something so peripheral might distract from the main subject?
    Hi Dave,

    I wouldn't think so - the trees are completely out of focus, and the kids have "pride of place" in the composition, with good contrasting colours.

  7. #7
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: On the Crash Course!

    Hello Alis.
    Nice picture.

  8. #8
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: On the Crash Course!

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Looks good to me Ali,

    In addition to Dave's points I'd suggest also a wee burn around the ground in the foreground (it's looking a bit washed out).

    Another technique I use a lot is using the burn tool to increase local contrast around areas that need it (trees are usually prime candidates) - just set it to shadows (or sometimes mid-tones) about 4% with a soft brush (40 to 60%) and just "tap" over a few areas a few times.

    It requires a bit of practice - and it can definately be overdone - but done correctly it definately "lifts" the image quite considerably.
    Thanks, Colin. Wonderful tip. Give me more of these please I have always used the burn tool at %100 strenght! I think that is why I never like it. Now I think the dodge tool should be use the same way to get a subtle effect, like when whitening eyes.

  9. #9
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    Re: On the Crash Course!

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    Hello Alis.
    Nice picture.
    Thanks, Antonio. Ali

  10. #10
    JK6065's Avatar
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    Re: On the Crash Course!

    Nice one,
    I like the expresion ont he children's faces. You made a good composition of this scene and I think the suggestions given in this thread will improve the photo even more.

    regards Jeroen

  11. #11
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: On the Crash Course!

    Quote Originally Posted by Alis View Post
    I have always used the burn tool at 100% strength! I think that is why I never like it. Now I think the dodge tool should be use the same way to get a subtle effect, like when whitening eyes.
    I can sympathise with this
    "Been there", as they say..


    While I do now use burn or dodge normally between 15 and 50% and build up with as many strokes as it takes, I have never got my head around the difference between Highlights, Midtones or Shadows choices - sometimes they behave as I expect and at others the complete opposite, so I'd appreciate any tips you may have on this aspect.


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