Hi Ali,
Another cute photo of your son with the good composition we've come to expect.
If it were mine, to make a very good shot 'great', I would;
1) Clone out the orange lid thing lying on the ground on the right
2) Remove the blown bit of sky
3) Tone down the highlight behind your son's head (just a bit)
Then it'll be just about perfect (IMHO)
When I see your (excellent) shots I realise the opportunities I have missed while mine were growing up, so keep at it!
Thanks a lot, Dave. Great points. I keep missing those fine points but I think I am getting better.
And I think kids are always kids to their parents, so it is never too late. To be honest, I wish mine could follow a simple command like "Stay where you are for two seconds!"
Thanks again.
Looks good to me Ali,
In addition to Dave's points I'd suggest also a wee burn around the ground in the foreground (it's looking a bit washed out).
Another technique I use a lot is using the burn tool to increase local contrast around areas that need it (trees are usually prime candidates) - just set it to shadows (or sometimes mid-tones) about 4% with a soft brush (40 to 60%) and just "tap" over a few areas a few times.
It requires a bit of practice - and it can definately be overdone - but done correctly it definately "lifts" the image quite considerably.
Hi Ali, Colin,
I almost suggested the fourth point too.
I like the idea of the trees tip Colin, but in this particular image, I do wonder if enhancing the contrast of something so peripheral might distract from the main subject?
You might well prove me wrong, but then at least I'll learn in the process![]()
Hello Alis.
Nice picture.![]()
Nice one,
I like the expresion ont he children's faces. You made a good composition of this scene and I think the suggestions given in this thread will improve the photo even more.
regards Jeroen
I can sympathise with this
"Been there", as they say..
While I do now use burn or dodge normally between 15 and 50% and build up with as many strokes as it takes, I have never got my head around the difference between Highlights, Midtones or Shadows choices - sometimes they behave as I expect and at others the complete opposite, so I'd appreciate any tips you may have on this aspect.