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Thread: Telephoto Lens for use on D90

  1. #1

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    Telephoto Lens for use on D90

    I am intending to buy a telephoto lens for use on my Nikon D90 to do bird photography. I am also looking for less budget lens. and shortlisted Sigma 150 500 OS..........which would work as 250 800 on my DX body camera. I request comments about the feasibility and quality of the lens. Since the price is attractive..for this range lens......which otherwise would cost a huge sum either if a go for NikKor lens......or for a prime lens. If anybody has used this lens please let me know ur experience.......thank you in advance.....

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Ottawa, Canada
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    Manfred Mueller

    Re: Telephoto Lens for use on D90

    My wife bought this lens in for a trip to Africa last summer. Optically it compares fairly well to the Nikon 80-400 that I own, and is faster at focusing; but the construction is not as good and the zoom ring turns in the opposite direction to Nikons. We both shoot D90s.

    The major downside is that it has been back to Sigma for warranty repairs twice in 6 months. The first time the motor and control board had to be replaced (fortunately prior to the trip) and the second time it failed was on our last day (of 4 days) in Etosha National Park, in Namibia. The controller board had failed again.

    I don't know if we were just unlucky or that there is a basic design or manufacturing flaw with the lens. We have a friend who has one, and has not had any issues with it, and he uses it with his D300. Anyway, bottom line is I would be hesitant to recommend Sigma right now. I've had good luck with Tokina and Samyang lenses, as well as the Nikons. By the way, there are rumours out there that the Nikon 80-400 is due for a refresh, so you might want to hang on for a few months to see what shakes out there.

    Perhaps we

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