Originally Posted by
William W
As I was reading through the whole thread I was thinking - "Well another way of looking at this is "Subject Distance"." . . .
What I mean is, I suggest asking these two questions:
1. If I had a 5DMkii (or any other 135 format) what FL macro lens would be best suited to give me the most flexible working distance?
2. If I had a 50D (or any other APS-C format) what FL macro lens would be best suited to give me the most flexible working distance?
I think this could be the best question to ask yourself first, and then think DoF and Enlargement through from there: it might be that the answer is for a 5D is a 100mm, and the Rebel body was the "wrong" camera . . .?
Often it is best to start with a clean sheet of white paper and work logically through to what the best tools are assuming one had none to begin.
From that point it is often clearer as to how the existing kit might be modified, or leveraged to provide a range of outcomes.
I mention this because I assume (always a bad mistake) that the 100mm is being used on an APS-C just because it is – I don’t mean that nastily, what I mean is, going back to when you started photographing the Coral would purchasing a 50, 60, 90 (or 180) macro have been better apropos SD for the aquariums and coral, and, more importantly were those FL originally considered?