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Thread: Printing with CS3

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Southern California

    Printing with CS3


    I am trying to print an image cr2. and have it " fit to page " without any clipping...but even after i chose the fit to page still tells me some clipping will occur...why is this so hard?

  2. #2

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    Re: Printing with CS3

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinbythebeach View Post

    I am trying to print an image cr2. and have it " fit to page " without any clipping...but even after i chose the fit to page still tells me some clipping will occur...why is this so hard?
    Hi Kevin,

    It's quite common - the trick is to see how much of the image is going to be clipped; if it's a lot then there's an issue with paper size somewhere, but you might find it's only a couple of thousanths of an inch (call it "rounding error") in which case it can safely be ignored.

    Just be aware than doing "full bleed" (as your about to) (ie no boarder) can leave a bit of ink on the platen of some printers - usually preferable to scale it back 1 or 2 percent and crop the media to the actual image size.

  3. #3

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    Re: Printing with CS3

    OR i could click the 'Scale to fit Media " option that is right there in front of me...Duh....
    That was just too easy...

  4. #4

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    Re: Printing with CS3

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinbythebeach View Post
    OR i could click the 'Scale to fit Media " option that is right there in front of me...Duh....
    That was just too easy...
    That's the other option - often when I do that it scales the image back to 99.xx percent.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Printing with CS3

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    often when I do that it scales the image back to 99.xx percent.
    Hey, that sounds like a rounding error

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