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Thread: Wanted to share

  1. #1
    batman44's Avatar
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    Wanted to share

    Hi everyone! You've all been so nice and I've been sort of on and off here lately with life being very busy-and you still are very supportive and helpful when I pop in!!!! I wanted to share with you my latest joy ( and sort of sad too) - My son(Tom) graduated high school last week.

    One thing I did learn, beside that I'm getting old! (HA HA), is that it's very challenging to take pictures in a gymnasium. The lighting was very bright, but camera still didn't like it! But I have shot the moment and that's all I care about!

    Thanks everyone!!!!

    Here he is!
    Wanted to share

    Here is the extended family
    His dads girlfriend - his dad - HIM(TOM)- ME- and my husband(the real batman44):
    Wanted to share

  2. #2

    Re: Wanted to share

    Congratulation at Tom to his graduation.
    Much luck and success for his further way .

    Best wishes

  3. #3
    batman44's Avatar
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    Re: Wanted to share

    Thanks Brigitte! I'm very proud of him!!


  4. #4

    Re: Wanted to share

    You can be proud.
    He looks like a good boy.....

  5. #5

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    Re: Wanted to share

    I just love that "don't mess with my girl" look on hubby's face! (I wouldn't mess with him!).

  6. #6
    batman44's Avatar
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    Re: Wanted to share

    Yea - he's hard to get in pictures let alone to smile in pictures, he needs lots of coaxing!!!!

    It's funny - he hates when I want to practice taking pictures on him.....he puts the hand up and says to use the cats! ha ha


  7. #7

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    Re: Wanted to share

    LOL - that reminds me of my favourite line for those kinds of occasions ...

    People say "Smile" - to which I reply "I AM SMILING"!

    PS: You can always use "plan B" on him ... it goes like this ...

    "We can do this two ways; either you co-operate and we might get a 1/2 decent shot - or I'll just take one without your co-operation anyway and we'll run with whatever we get; either way, we're taking a shot!"

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Wanted to share

    Quote Originally Posted by batman44 View Post
    The lighting was very bright, but camera still didn't like it! But I have shot the moment and that's all I care about!
    Hi Kori,

    In a nearby thread on RAW, we were discussing the benefit of a white balance reference, and as you say, in these pics, the camera certainly doesn't like those gym lights.

    I thought you had a bit of a yellowish cast on the first (non-flash) shot so I downloaded it and attempted a correction. However, I really couldn't get a result I was happy with. Anyway, since I did it, here is the outcome, also with a little LCE (local contrast enhancement) applied.

    Wanted to share

    Congratulations to Tom by the way.

    My eldest daughter graduated from Uni last year, so I know the feeling (I can just remember it!)

    BTW, I am not for a minute suggesting you had time to fiddle around on the day with a white balance reference, just that this linked in nicely with saying how tricky it is to do it after the event by eye on skin tones. You have the right attitude there and I am not criticising one bit. I added this bit because the first sentence or two didn't come out as intended.

    Further update; looking at the two together, I haven't made much difference in the WB, I think the floor is probably similar to the wall colour (far too much wood in gymnasiums!) and gives a golden reflection on Tom's hand. Without fill flash, it's a no-win situation I think.

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 7th June 2009 at 04:57 PM. Reason: UPDATE

  9. #9
    batman44's Avatar
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    Re: Wanted to share


    Thanks for taking the time on this picture!
    Yes, my camera wouldn't allow me to hand hold the camera in Mannual mode - something I didn't expect - knowing how bright the gym is. This is the first time using the camera in a gym. I didn't have time to change all other settings in hopes that one will finally work. As new as I am, my memory isn't quick, so I switched over to Auto and prayed that I would get something worth keeping!

    I am a little sad that the pictures aren't better, but I am more happy they turned out period! No blurr - etc... I am my worst critique! No worries on your reply to me... I am still learning all this stuff, and appreciate any suggestions and comments made!

    Thank you!!!


  10. #10

    Re: Wanted to share

    Congrats Kori, I wish him luck and peace for you, my mother had a hard enough time when I graduated

  11. #11

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    Re: Wanted to share

    Quote Originally Posted by batman44 View Post
    I switched over to Auto and prayed that I would get something worth keeping!
    For all the "ribbing" we give those who use the automatic modes, they really can be quite clever. Case in point - they'll open the aperture and up the ISO to stop the shutter speed dropping below 1/60th to hopefully avoid camera shake.

  12. #12
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    Re: Wanted to share

    Thank Trey!
    He finally landed a part-time job - and he seems to like it. It's at the time frame most teenagers can manage to get to on time....6pm-9:30pm M-F!
    Tomorrow he calls to get his classes set up at the tech college in town - Crossing my fingers!
    I've had both my hands full with him.... Very proud he was a tough last year! Hope he finds his way - and not the hard way!

    Sometimes "Auto" does turn out! We had this picture with a white background made for his graduation party announcements - everyone asked "who" did the picture!! Made me feel good that I could say it was me.


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