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Thread: dealing with duplicate file numbers

  1. #1
    crisscross's Avatar
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    dealing with duplicate file numbers

    Having shot over 10,000 frames with my D80, I am getting duplicate file names. They obviously have different dates etc etc and .nefs are in different (&chronologically ordered) folders, but just noticed alert/refusal on same .jpg version going to a subject classified folder.

    Anyone have a smart way of minor modification to number, but that remains locked to its nef parent? So far just stuck a prefix 'a' in eg _dsc.0005.jpg to _adsc.0005.jpg.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: dealing with duplicate file numbers

    Hi Chris,

    I was thinking I'll need this soon at the rate I'm going with D5000 , then I realised I need it now, as I accidentally had the camera start numbering over from the first two manual downloads - and hadn't used NikonTransfer to import with it's filenaming options.

    A Google for "file renamer" or "~ing" produces many hits, but you're Mac and these are all (or mostly) Windows, you could try "file renaming mac" I guess. There's obviously a small risk with installing unknown freeware, but you can usually spot the dodgy ones by their style of advertising.

    My bed beckons, more tomorrow, no later today, maybe...

    If anyone has any personal recommendations ...


  3. #3
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: dealing with duplicate file numbers

    Thank you Dave for reminder to look at Nikon Transfer again. I see now that the 'File naming' can be set to do what I want, near enough, ie prefix or suffix the incoming file name with hyphen, underscore or blank without touching its number or adding more numbers.

    Should keep me going for about 5 years, by which time there will probably be lots of D5000 s for sale at a reasonable price

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