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Thread: summer guest

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    The Netherlands

    summer guest

    I like to make pics of this kind of summer guests.
    For digital publication i am struggling with jaggy lines wich are caused by resizing.
    It seems that Canons post-processing software (DPP) does not provide a solution for it and i am afraid i need to get serious with post-processing.
    Fortunaly in prints the lines are good.

    summer guest
    Last edited by d3debian; 24th May 2009 at 09:07 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: summer guest

    The trouble with Canon DPP is that while it works OK as a basic RAW converter it lacks a lot of items which many photographers would consider esentials. Particularly a good Unsharp Mask (or better) option.

    After resizing, I usually give a final small tweak with Unsharp Mask to restore what has been lost during resizing.

    If you are thinking about improved software you have probably already seen this post Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

    But that photo looks rather good so you must have started with a pretty crisp image.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: summer guest

    I see what you mean about that d3debian.
    It's at its worst on the almost horizontal, or almost vertical, angles, the 45 degree ones look ok.

    Even with PS Elements, which offers about 5 different re-sizing algorithms, somethimes I think a picture can just contain too much resolution to be successfully downsized without looking rubbish. (EDIT: This is my cue for someone, usually Colin, to jump in an prove me wrong, but hey, that's how I learn!)

    I had one recently, the sunset pic looked rubbish at 680px (intending to fit the page width here), I just HAD to do it at 1200 width, which is about half the full size to make it decent.

    I think the above picture is also like this, and at say; 1200 may not look half so bad.

    The only other suggestion I have is that I'd have cloned away the little white boat nearer the shore on the extreme left, there's plenty of shore line/quay side to use.

    That's an impressive ship by the way, well captured,

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    The Netherlands

    Re: summer guest

    Thanks for your reply Dave and Geoff.

    I've been playing with resizing in Photoshop with another picture and disapointed with te results.
    Some algoritms mess it up (nearest neighbour) and others (bicubic sharper, smoother) look better but not great.

    The small boat at the left indeed is disturbing.
    I going to clone it away.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    The Netherlands

    Re: summer guest

    I deleted the first version at imageshack and didn't realise it goes away on Cic also.
    This is the same picture without the boat wich Dave referred to.

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