I was just there last month
I love the viewpoint, but I think the flare/glare from the upper right takes away from the pic... Also, have you tried tweaking this a little in Photoshop to "square" the building a little?
Vegas at night is just so picturesque...daytime, not so much!
A nice series of images. Colourful and striking.
I do get a sense from your photographs that quite often there is a slight tilt to them, so that the horizon is not level or the centre vertical is not quite vertical through the frame.
Straightening post processing can deal with this obviously, but I wonder if you are subconsciously failing to hold your camera quite level?
(I do this too. Try as I might, I can't get it right every time :-( )
after looking at all your pics herewhat struck me most was your exposures
they are spot on,all the pics here. others things like compositions,etc can be improved as usual....but that differs from photographer to photographer
whether the exposure have been tweaked in ps or not, i like it.in fact i must congratulate u on such a good effort
Cheers on all your photos! I havent delved into evening photography yet, though these pics make me excited to try! The Honolulu skyline at night is a doozy from up in the mountains, and Im dying to give it a whorl.
Again, well done!
Odd ones do appear over exposed slightly, which is quite common when there are so many bright lights. Maybe bracketing a few exposures would provide you with a choice of the correct exposure.
The tilt issue is one that I often succumb to myself and find that post capture processing is necessary to straighten up, unless I spend more time thinking about this on site. Usually my tripod avoids such problems on time exposures as they are composed at a more leisurely pace.
(Unless of course you have been using an early Canon EOS1 DS MKIII - a fault now corrected I believe)