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Thread: Rain, Still Life and Man Flu

  1. #1

    Rain, Still Life and Man Flu

    Well this bank holiday was a bit of a washout. Its rainy, windy and I have a stinking cold. Not to be too disheartened I collected a few objects and a sheet of black A2 size card. As always comments and critique are most welcome.

    Walking the Tiger
    Rain, Still Life and Man Flu

    A History of Our Times
    Rain, Still Life and Man Flu

    Rain, Still Life and Man Flu

    Rubber Bands
    Rain, Still Life and Man Flu

    Rain, Still Life and Man Flu

    The Orthanc Stone
    Rain, Still Life and Man Flu

    If you look carefully you can see that Sauron has nicked my tripod

  2. #2
    CNelson's Avatar
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    Re: Rain, Still Life and Man Flu

    These are interesting and dramatic images. The first one is my favorite but all of them show that there is no end to what we can use for subject matter.


  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Rain, Still Life and Man Flu

    Hi Steve,

    As Chuck says;

    Quote Originally Posted by CNelson View Post
    ~ all of them show that there is no end to what we can use for subject matter.
    I admire your determination not to have your photography curtailed by a wet weekend (or worse Man Flu ).

    More to follow when not rushing for work ....
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 5th May 2009 at 12:55 PM. Reason: correct typo

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Rain, Still Life and Man Flu

    Hi Steve,

    As promised, some more thoughts;
    These are no more than thoughts,

    #1, Tiger walking; nice idea, like it black and white, like the composition, not sure about the lighting, theres are bits burnt out. A bit more tension on the chain to convince perhaps?

    #2, History of Our Times; Again, this works well in monochrome, can't think of anything to improve it

    #3, Converse; Nicely lit and exposed, bags of texture. With this, and especially the next one, it can be difficult, like with my tree 'abstract' shots, to determine the optimal composition.

    #4, Rubber bands; Good, colourful image, lots of depth too

    #5, Threshold; The contrast between 'organic' foot and geometric mat is interesting. Your foot?

    #6, The Orthanc Stone; Is it a pinball, or should I have googled to avoid looking an ignorant twit?
    It could almost be your self portrait shot. I'm not sure about the framing, although it's obviously deliberate, it makes the image unbalanced because almost the entire RHS is empty. The other thought that crossed my mind was; it's a glove puppet about to swallow a gob-stopper (and no glove puppet), this would have been re-enforced had we been able to see the wrist.

    NSITH, Dave

    PS, I've only just worked out what HTH meant, so here's one for you
    BTW Congrats on reaching your century (of posts)
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 5th May 2009 at 12:58 PM.

  5. #5

    Re: Rain, Still Life and Man Flu

    As always many thanks for your comments.


    I am always on the look out for subject matter. Somehow I find more of a challenge in the mundane...or maybe I should just get out more

    No.1 I think I was trying too hard to get contrast and went over the top. Hence the blown bits. I will go back to this image. I see what you mean about the tension on the chain. The tiger was sedated at the time....actually I was holding the chain with one hand and the shutter remote with the other...the only tension was in me

    No2 Actually what would vastly improve it is some spicy revisionism from Shama or Andrew Wilson...bit stuffy and stiff upper lip in the 1890s

    No5 Yes my 6ft 6ins in height my feet look like some bizarre biological experiment. You may have heard of the human ear being grown on a mouses back. Well I had skippy's feet grafted to my ankles

    No.6 This is a glass marble one of my kids brought home from a glass works we visited in Cornwall. The reference to the Orthanc stone is from the Lord of the Rings. Looking at this in the cold light of day I see your point with the composition. This is an image where I would agree that it should be centralised or compliant with the rule of thirds.

    NSITH....mmm....I will have to think on that one

  6. #6

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    Re: Rain, Still Life and Man Flu

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    I admire your determination not to have your photography curtailed by a wet weekend (or worse Man Flu ).
    Just out of curiosity, what's "Man Flu"?

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Rain, Still Life and Man Flu

    Hi Colin,

    Maybe it's just a "northern hemi" thing, but it is generally accepted, by about half the population, that no woman suffers with flu or a cold quite so badly as a man. Men get everything 100 x worse and it renders them completely incapable of functioning normally whilst suffering!

    Whereas women, being used to multi-tasking, seem to take having a cold or flu in their stride and still be able to deal with kids, work, washing and cleaning. Amazing, hats off to them, that's what I say.

    (Do you think I explained it wothout upsetting anyone - gulp, I hope so)

  8. #8

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    Re: Rain, Still Life and Man Flu

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    (Do you think I explained it wothout upsetting anyone - gulp, I hope so)
    Ah - well done

    Reckon we need to add "one man band" owners of businesses to the list of those having to multi-task and function whilst having the flu though, darn it!

  9. #9
    batman44's Avatar
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    Re: Rain, Still Life and Man Flu

    Hi all!!!!!
    I think Dave hit it on the head! Just from past experience as a wife, mom, and working a full time job+ outside the home!.....And I also hope that no one will be offended!!!!


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