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Thread: First pics with Nikon D5000

  1. #1
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    First pics with Nikon D5000

    Hi all,

    First day's shooting with my new 'pride and joy'; Nikon D5000 + Sigma 18-250mm, f3.5-6.3 DC OS.

    Firstly what I did last, a moon shot;
    First pics with Nikon D5000
    1/250s @ f8, ISO400, 250mm, handheld with optical stabiliser
    Not quite up to the standard of the other shots in the Moon thread, but I was quite pleased, I've never had a camera that could resolve the craters before.

    One of the dawgs having a bit of fun;
    First pics with Nikon D5000
    1/750s @ f9.5, ISO200, 135mm

    More tomorrow ...
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 3rd May 2009 at 10:48 PM. Reason: make title more descriptive

  2. #2
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: First pics with Nikon D5000

    Don't know how you snuck this thread in without my noticing before Dave! You aren't having us on and really it was taken with you mobile? (could run a master class on EXIF faking if so)

    Looking back at The moon at 500mm I see Rick was using a tripod and 500mm and mirror lock up. I keep meaning to try using my ancient tripod, but not sleeping quite that badly so far, tho did notice it was especially beautiful about 2am last night (yawns off)

    The doggie pic suggests it has got the fast constant focus of uncle 300D.

    Waffle, what I really mean is welcome to Team Nikon
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th May 2009 at 03:37 PM. Reason: fixed URL (added ".htm")

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: First pics with Nikon D5000

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the welcome.

    Well I took it, opened the jpg fine in PS Elements, put it to 1:1 pixel size, did a square crop to be rid of the stuff I didn't need, leaving me with this at 488 x 488 px. Noise reduced, local contrast enhance and a careful sharpen, et viola! (or some other stringed instrument , I'm rubbish at French).

    Exposure determined by trial and error on Manual (as I hadn't figured out how to invoke spot metering last night and centre weighted over-cooked it (qell surpris).

    It's not as sharp as Rick's, which again doesn't surprise me under the circumstances.

    The above was shot at about 10pm, after an earlier "blue sky" version at ten to seven.

    First pics with Nikon D5000
    Same processing as above, but 1/500s @ f6.3 (wide open), ISO400.

    Although I only have 250mm, the crop factor takes mine to 375mm.
    As for Rick's; that was 500mm, going to 750mm after CF multiplication.

    It wasn't my Blackberry/mobile phone, honest!


  4. #4

    Re: First pics with Nikon D5000

    Very nice. I expect you are pretty chuffed with that lens. First image only probably could do with a tad of sharpening. I too have a relatively slow all purpose zoom and I now take it as read that sharpening is part of the workflow until I can get my mitts on a faster lens.

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