Last edited by Dave Humphries; 22nd November 2012 at 06:12 PM. Reason: added image inline
Welcome to the forums and thanks for sharing your photo. Looks pretty good. What tidying up has been done in photoshop elements? Looks like you took the architectural shot "by the book" since you pointed the camera more or less straight at the horizon--ensuring that the vertical lines on the building are all nearly parallel. Main thing I would consider, however, is rotating the photo counterclockwise a tad so that the verticals are all at 90 degrees to the horizon. They all seem to be leaning just a bit to the right.
very nice pic indeedi love all the colors here,specially the white exterior and reddish roof......very nicely designed buidling
you shud have eaten there,and that would have rounded off the whole act of taking the pic and being there
Last edited by taken; 27th May 2008 at 08:44 AM.
Now you mention it McQ, I see what you mean about the verticals
I cloned out a few road cones dotted in front of the buildings and removed a telephone wire running across the sky from above my head to the telegraph pole at the far end of the building.
Had I more bottle, I guess could have asked the manager if I could move them temporarily, what can I say; I'm shy!
Thanks Taken, looking at it again, it might even have stood a little saturation boost to further enhance the roof tiles.
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 27th May 2008 at 06:57 PM.
I like the first photo you posted. The composition is nice, with a very interesting perspective, and the picture is sharp.
You repeated this photo with your current photographic equipment?
Wow, where did this thread surface from, possibly close to my first post and the first image posted
History in the making
Hi Antonio,
No, I haven't been back - but I tell you what; I will the next fine day.
They must open around 12 noon because I recall other cars arriving and spoiling the view as I left, so it'll have to be a sunny morning. As it was, I remember cloning out a few traffic cones.
That said, I'm not sure at this size we'd necessarily see much improvement, but if I don't try, I won't know(it was shot with a Fuji Finepix S6500)
But at least I might get it straight this time
I didn't know it was famous Donald - I was just attracted to the architecture while walking about the village.
My thoughts on it now;
I can see some lateral CA, it isn't straight (as Sean noticed), I probably can improve on it, both in PP and capture terms.
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 22nd November 2012 at 06:18 PM.
I look forward to see the new photo. If you submit a new picture with the same width as the previous photo (640 pixels), I believe it will be difficult to notice any significant improvement.
Could you post the two photos (the 2008 and new) with the same width (it have different aspect ratios) using the maximum dimensions allowed by Tinypic?