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Thread: Nesting Time

  1. #1
    tsiya's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    S. John's County, Florida

    Nesting Time

    The St. Augustine Alligator Farm added a swamp exhibit back in 1977, and the wading birds instantly took it over as ideal nesting territory. The gators beneath the trees are a strong deterrent to any tree climbing predator.
    The birds are wild and free flying, but at this time, and place, they totally accept the presence of human visitors up close to their nests. They act as though you were not there at all.
    This is a Tricolored heron, Egretta tricolor, in full breeding plumage.
    Nesting Time

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Nesting Time

    Hi Bob,

    That's an impressive looking bird, that breeding plumage doesn't look like it aids flight much, but I might be wrong.

    Was it taken with one of your old faithful's or the new Sony A200, plus presummably, the 75 - 300?


  3. #3
    tsiya's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    S. John's County, Florida

    Re: Nesting Time

    This was my first serious trip with the A200. I played with it for a while to get used to it.
    The amazing thing about those feathers is that they can go sleek and streamlined in an instant. They fall back into place without a single stray thread. The birds really put on a show.
    This weekend is an annual photo event, photographers from all over the world are here now. I'll wait until the excitement dies down and go shoot some more.

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