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Thread: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

  1. #1
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    Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    I want to change my camera memory raw format to fat32.

    how to change its?.please say me.

    the format no support my camera. window Xp and Vista is too.

    please say me how to format in window Vista.

    The disk show Raw.

    I want format is Fat32.

  2. #2

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    re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    Hello Haha,

    I think you confuse picture format with memory card format. Picture format RAW or JPEG. Memory card already FAT32.

    What is your camera?

  3. #3

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    re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    Hi Haha,

    I think the RAW is showing up as the memory card is not formatted or corrupted (I've had this happen on USB's and it's not pretty - you lose any existing data already on there - if you didn't already know). Open My Computer, right click on the memory card and click Format. Only setting you need to change is the filesystem - make this FAT32 as Colin specified.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    Hi haha,

    If the card is being used in a camera to take pictures, I'd let the camera format it and go from there as a first attempt.

    If you do a PC format, try some test shots before embarking on a day's photography just in case the camera doesn't like the PC FAT32 format.

    When I say "test shots", I mean do all of this;
    after format;
    1) take a few pictures of anything
    2) download them
    3) view and edit them on your computer

    I'm just playing safe with minimal information.

    If you are asking how to convert RAW to jpg, that's a different thing altogether, so do nothing until we have clarified what the problem is. or you may lose pictures.

    Good luck,

  5. #5
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    re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    My camera is Olympus camera. this camera not support Raw format.

    yesterday i wish to see my photo from this camera.So i will put its out my card and
    use a card reader.

    but card reader connect to my computer change news format Raw.

    i will try to many way.but window say Window is unable to format .

    my com is use window vista.disk manager say the disk is active.

    but anything not work.put in camera say Format card or power off.

    please say me how to do?

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    Hi haha,

    Which Olympus camera model?
    e.g. E-410 or something else?


  7. #7

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    re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    Have you installed software that came with camera?

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    Other questions;
    What type and size memory card?
    can you leave card in camera and use lead to connect to PC USB port?

  9. #9

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    Re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    Try a different card reader - I have a feeling the card is too big for the current card reader. My post before said that it happened when it was corrupted, however I now remember it was due to having a card reader which could not handle the high capacity of the card (a measly 1Gb)... Try a card reader that you know supports the memory card size that you are using... After you put it in the larger size, you should be able to see the data on the card (don't format once you see the data) and copy the photos you need.

    Alternatively, you could install the software the camera came with and plug it in via USB/firewire and at least that way the card will be read properly by the camera's card reader. Good luck!
    Last edited by dan88; 26th April 2009 at 02:25 AM.

  10. #10
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    Re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    I don't know exactly camera model and the memory card size is 1G.Olympus Xd card.

    but exactly know the camera is not support Raw card

    camera not contain driver cd.

    I try to start>rum>cmd> format I:

    but is say disk is unusable.

  11. #11

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    Re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    Yes, but you said you could take pictures right? It sounds to me like the card is already formatted, but your card reader is incompatible with the memory card you are using.

    Try the card in a different reader.

  12. #12
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    Re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    I want to take a photo these card.

    but any recovery not work on this card.

    I want to format these card to fat32.and i recovery my data and photo.

    thank for u answering me

    ok i try another card reader

  13. #13

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    Re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    No problems. Good luck!

  14. #14
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card


    I think there maybe a language issue here, we are unsure whether you already have pictures on the card already that you want to get (take?) off it.

    OR, just use the card to take (photograph) new pictures in future.

    If there are pictures already on the card you want to see, DO NOT format the card now, then try to recover pictures that were on it - they won't be there. try using the lead to connect camera to computer.

    If you just want to take pictures in future, I still don't understand why you don't format the card in the camera, there will be an option in the menu to do this and it is far more likely to succeed than letting Windows do it. Don't worry about what the format is FAT16/32/whatever, just let the camera do it.

    If you must use a card reader, be aware that not all card readers take Xd, so I'd follow Dan's sugestion and try another one.

    Good luck,

  15. #15
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    Re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    I try to format this card in camera.
    Put it memory card the camera say Format or power off.
    I choice format.but the format process not finished.the camera is show the message next time again.
    camera is not support raw picture.
    I want to see my picture. please say me hot to do??????

    thank for u answering. thank u very much for answering.

  16. #16

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    Re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    Quote Originally Posted by haha View Post
    I try to format this card in camera.
    Put it memory card the camera say Format or power off.
    I choice format.but the format process not finished.the camera is show the message next time again.
    It sounds to me like your memory card is faulty or damaged. Can you take your camera to a shop to try another card?

  17. #17

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    Re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    Hi haha,

    It sounds to me like your card is damaged or its size is too large for the camera to support it. The only thing I can think of is that the card has become corrupted or the memory modules damaged in the time since you took the last photos to when you put it in your PC. It would have to be irreversable damage for the camera to not be able to format it if it was using it before.

    I think your best bet in this scenario is to take the card and camera to your local camera shop and have someone there have a look at it to see if they can recover any data off there and possibly buy a new card.

    That's my take on it though.

  18. #18

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    Re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    It sounds to me like your memory card is faulty or damaged. Can you take your camera to a shop to try another card?
    Great minds think alike

  19. #19
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    Re: Computer not recognizing images on memory card

    I think the RAW is showing up as the memory card is not formatted or corrupted (I've had this happen on USB's and it's not pretty - you lose any existing data already on there - if you didn't already know). Open My Computer, right click on the memory card and click Format. Only setting you need to change is the filesystem - make this FAT32 as Colin specified...

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