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Thread: Red red wine !

  1. #1

    Red red wine !

    Red red wine !
    1/250s @ f8, ISO400, 105mm Nikon D80

    Red red wine !
    1/250s @ f8, ISO400, 56mm Nikon D80
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 20th April 2009 at 12:34 PM. Reason: added EXIF data

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Red red wine !

    Hi Iwan,

    That's a lot of tulips!

    I took the liberty of adding the EXIF data to your post for these shots, they are pretty similar and although I could see differences, I couldn't work out what was causing them - turns out it is the focal length (and probably also point of focus).

    I was wondering what post processing you might have done on these shots.

    I'll reserve further comment until I'm home on my normal monitor.


  3. #3
    Roxy's Avatar
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    Oz .. the best bit, Queensland

    Re: Red red wine !

    Nice shot here Iwan with the mass of colour.

    I think another interesting option would be to go close-up and very sharp on a small group of three or four bulbs as a complementary shot to one of these.


  4. #4

    Re: Red red wine !

    Yes..indeed, I took this foto with quick shot. I have to go to another place as quick as possible

    This another angle with another location. I love very much spring.... Sorry not wine anymore.....

    Red red wine !

    Red red wine !

    Red red wine !

  5. #5
    batman44's Avatar
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    Re: Red red wine !

    WOW...I love all the tulips!!!!! These are so great looking! I'm so jealous!
    We had snow flurries this morning!

    Thanks for sharing!


  6. #6

    Re: Red red wine !

    Hi Iwan,

    Nice shots, where is it?
    First and second pics I think looks better in a 2:1 ratio.
    Isolating one flower in the third pic was better for me :-)
    Any thoughts?


  7. #7

    Re: Red red wine !

    Thank for advised to all of your. The last 3 pictures i took in Den Haag. The 3 first by country land Sea land - Netherland.
    Yes..a bit difficult to shot so many flowers, I tried every angle but i can't covered all it.

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