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Thread: Dartmouth UK

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Dartmouth UK

    Went for a walk around the harbour entrance at Dartmouth to check out some camera angles from various spots. I intend to return sometime soon when the weather is good and there are likely to be more boats around. There was a fresh wind blowing, although mostly offshore.

    This is looking up the harbour from the castle at the river mouth and with the Naval College in the background.

    Dartmouth UK

    I've had several attempts at this photo and I'm still not sure I have it correct. The original was excessively blue.

    And an old sailing boat named Tectona hoisting sails as it leaves the harbour.

    Dartmouth UK

  2. #2
    dje's Avatar
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    Dave Ellis

    Re: Dartmouth UK

    Nice shots Geoff. I particularly like the composition of the second image.

    Cheers Dave

  3. #3

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    Re: Dartmouth UK

    Both very nice.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Dartmouth UK

    Thanks for the comments.

    Yes Dave, I had plenty of space to play with on the second shot and could wait until it reached a suitable spot.

    I did take some other shots as the boat was approaching and almost used one where the mast was between that rock and the headland but eventually though using just the rock produced a 'cleaner' image.

    I also took some slightly earlier shots with interesting backgrounds, like castle walls, but they hadn't hoisted the sail sufficiently for it to look right.

    The first shot was a bit of a struggle as I was having to stretch up on tip toe in order to clear a wall but also twist sideways to avoid some leaves. On a small screen this image seems a bit 'congested' but looks better on a larger print. I think I may need to do an A3 print to look correct.

    Once again, I had to wait to get the best moment with the two ferries passing each other.

    Incidentally, my mother is from Dartmouth so I think she will appreciate a print of this one.

  5. #5
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Frank Miller

    Re: Dartmouth UK

    Hi Geoff, lovely shots! On the second one, unless the top of the mast is available in the original, I think I would clip the very tip on top so it doesn't try to take your eye out of the frame.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Dartmouth UK

    The very tip of that mast is a radio mast and I was thinking about cloning it out.

    The mast height is actually rather unusually tall for a gaff rigged sail which only reaches to the white area of the mast. I suspect this extension is to enable an extra jib to be used.

    Incidentally, I said that I was uncertain about how the first photo had edited so I have had a second go at it; in fact several second goes.

    I think I may post this new version under the Editing Forum, with the original

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