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Thread: where should I focus on?

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Hanoi, Vietnam
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    Call me as Ross

    where should I focus on?

    Some people counseled I should rather focus on the moon than on temple roof. How about you?
    Welcome and thank for any suggestion.


    where should I focus on?

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: where should I focus on?

    Hi Ross,

    The moon is so vastly over exposed, it would never appear sharp anyway, (it is also behind some high cloud) so I think you did the right thing here.

    I suspect the people suggesting that have not seen the image!


  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Chriss Goyenechea

    Re: where should I focus on?

    For me I would focus in on the dragon towards the middle and maybe zoom in a little and blur everything else

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Hanoi, Vietnam
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    Call me as Ross

    Re: where should I focus on?

    Thank you, Dave and Chriss

  5. #5
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    Re: where should I focus on?


    Been thinking about this one for a couple days now, and think there might be way to get the best of both the temple and the Moon.

    I would use an off-camera speedlight to the left of where you shot the pic, and using a diffuser would light the temple roof with as low a power setting as possible to get a nice image of it (you might have to take a few shots and dial it in). Then, by using a higher F/stop (f/11-f/16?), take careful focus on the Moon when the clouds are not present. FWIW, I use manual focus in order to really get the focus as perfect as possible. The full-Moon is super bright, so even with the higher f/stop you should be able to get away with a 1/60th-1/100th exposure at ISO200.

    Not sure how it will all play out, but might be worth a try.


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