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View Poll Results: Should I sign and/or print my name on my canvas prints for sale?

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  • No - I think this would ruin it

    1 5.56%
  • Yes - I think it's a good idea if done properly

    15 83.33%
  • I don't think it makes a lot of difference one way or the other

    2 11.11%
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Thread: Should I sign or print my name on my prints for sale?

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Should I sign or print my name on my prints for sale?

    Hi Folks,

    I need your opinion on something ...

    Most of the images in my portfolio ( are printed onto canvas; with the horizontal ones measuring around 20 x 40 inches.

    It's been suggested that I should be either signing or putting my name on the front of each canvas (probably on the bottom right-hand side). Personally, I've always thought of this as being a little "pretentious" for me, but I've started to have 2nd thoughts ...

    ... just wondering what you good folks think?
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 6th April 2009 at 01:34 AM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Gorokan NSW Australia

    Re: Should I sign or print my name on my prints for sale?

    Definitely put your name, artistically, on a canvas print. In years to come I can hear the "Critics" saying "Oh yes, this is a Southern from his Sunset series blah blah".
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 6th April 2009 at 01:35 AM.

  3. #3

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    Re: Should I sign or print my name on my prints for sale?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill44 View Post
    Definitely put your name, artistically, on a canvas print. In years to come I can hear the "Critics" saying "Oh yes, this is a Southern from his Sunset series blah blah".
    Hopefully followed by ... "I'll start the bidding at $5,000,000" ...
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 6th April 2009 at 01:35 AM.

  4. #4
    Daniel Salazar's Avatar
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    Re: Should I sign or print my name on my prints for sale?

    ..then hopefully you'll still visit us
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 6th April 2009 at 01:36 AM.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Should I sign or print my name on my prints for sale?

    I think, if done sympatheically to the overall composition and picture content, it would be acceptable on a canvas print.

    I can't afford 5 mil, tuppence any good?
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 6th April 2009 at 01:36 AM.

  6. #6

    Re: Should I sign or print my name on my prints for sale?

    Hi Colin,
    I think printing your name on the canvas makes a big difference if done in an "artistic" font. I have seen some prints where the printed name alone makes a good art

    Last edited by Colin Southern; 6th April 2009 at 01:36 AM.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Re: Should I sign or print my name on my prints for sale?

    Hi Colin

    I'm back! Thanks for the email.

    I have never thought about adding a signature to my prints, but I am warming to the idea, for reasons given by others, but also because it validates your authorship of the image. I think the date of printing should also be included.

    As to font, I would suggest your actual signature (written on paper, scanned and copied onto the image) inserted in a not-too-obvious manner and an image-consistent colour.

    I have recently been looking at etchings by Axel Haig (late19th/early20th century). His etchings all have his monogram and the date etched in as part of each picture. They are now researched and recorded and the date info is extremely useful.

    This has been the practice in the paintings and etchings fields for centuries, because they are considered works of art. We photographers should join this tradition, even though, or perhaps because, photography is the latest accepted art form. I think we should take every opportunity to affirm the Glicee print as a work of art and refute the common attitude of, 'it's only a photo so not worth buying.'

    Another step to achieving this goal is to limit the number of prints of each image that will be printed, and state as such. Prints could be numbered x of y, perhaps hidden by the mount, but there nevertheless.

    Interesting subject. I look forward to reading other opinions.

    Last edited by Colin Southern; 6th April 2009 at 01:37 AM.

  8. #8
    New Member rosebud458's Avatar
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    Re: Should I sign or print my name on my prints for sale?

    Hi Colin..... I put my logo on every print that goes out of the studio as well as all my fine art work, even on my large canvas Wall Portraits...

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Re: Should I sign or print my name on my prints for sale?

    "it validates your authorship of the image" - exactly. If I were purchasing a canvas print I would certainly expect the artist's name (you may be famous when you have been dead for a bit) and also on the back a label giving all sorts of detail.

    I possess - inherited from my late mother - a small statuette of the Egyptian god Thoth looted from there in the c19. I once had it valued - zilch as cannot be validated.

    -- Peter

  10. #10
    Davey's Avatar
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    Re: Should I sign or print my name on my prints for sale?

    hmm I personally like it on the back out of sight in most cases. I don't like sigs or branding on images generally.

    I do however think if it's done tastefully then it's fine and wouldn't stop me purchasing something, I'd just prefer it on the back (eg. on the wrap around back edge of the canvas) but clearly visible. I just don't like anything not part of the composition to be in there myself, this however is not a usual view I admit.

  11. #11

    Join Date
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    Re: Should I sign or print my name on my prints for sale?

    Suppose it is really another of those 'It all depends on the individual circumstances' answers. How good is your signature? Mine looks as though a drunken spider has fallen in an inkwell.

    Are you currently famous or do you expect to be in the future? Possibly even become famous/infamous for something other than photography; any cravings for world domination etc?

    Do you add a title to the image? If so then something like 'Old Oak Tree by Colin Southern' would not look amiss if tastefully written or printed in the margin.

    But you could also put that plus a few other details on the back. When I sell the odd print in a frame I add a sticky label on the back. A signature there would prove that it is a genuine print better than being on the front. But do you expect anybody to be forging your prints anyway?

    The simple alternative, I would suggest, is to ask clients if they would like the prints signed.

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