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Thread: Purple blob - is this lens flare?

  1. #1

    Purple blob - is this lens flare?

    Hi there,

    I'm Shelli, I'm from Wales, I've come here in the hope someone can help me, I took a picture on a Nikon P50, there is a large purple blob on it, is this lens flare? I have attached the photo to find out what has caused this so I can avoid it happening again. The sun was setting to the left of the shot.



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  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Flare?

    Hi Shelli,

    Welcome to the forums here at CiC.

    Yes, that definitely looks like a lens flare to me.
    It will tend to occur when you shoot into the sun like this, either with it in frame, or just outside.

    Of course it may not always be so noticeable, for example if it hadn't "landed" on on the pole.

    If the sun isn't in shot, but you need to take it and cannot move around to get a better angle, try to arrange shading the front of the lens manually; i.e. stand in a shadow or have someone hold something over the lens.

    If the sun is in shot, there's not a lot you can do beyond waiting for it to be less bright (nearer sunset).

    Hope that helps,

  3. #3

    Re: Lens Flare?

    Hi Dave
    Yes it does thank you, I'm one of those who generally 'likes' lens flare, the sunn through the trees, or another shot i have where the flare makes a church wall look like its caved in, I was just a bit surprised to see a blob on a picture like that. Many thanks

  4. #4
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Lens Flare?

    Hi Shelli,

    If I do have flair in the pic, I try and make sure it is very obvious, maybe with a series of 'rings' cutting across the field of view. I like experimenting with shots into the sun, because it breaks the rules and is usually more challenging.

    Good luck with your quest, just don't blind yourself!


  5. #5
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: Purple blob - is this lens flare?

    Hi & welcome Shelli

    You can probably get rid of it on the full size image (but not on the reduced scale posted) by doing a gradiented paint over the whole blob, then painting back the pole. Maybe crop off he car roofs too and it would be nice image

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