Hi Ajith,
Good shots, taking them individually:
#1; great, but if shot in this country (UK), some health and safety person would be after you and possibly the police for trespass too. Good focus and pose and I like the composition, if you'd stood about one inch more to the left, then perfect - but I am really nit-picking here (because your standard has improved so much).
#2; Perhaps a minor toning down in brightness of the sidewalk, but otherwise also good focus, pose and composition.
#3; Sadly this friend looks like he wasn't enjoying it, slighty unfortunate positioning in front of the white doors in background, again, a PP toning down of those brighter elements would help. With his expression, slight lean to left and composition in left of frame, it looks unsettled like he's about to run off - but maybe that's what you were aiming for.
#4; Small subject in a big picture, I might have cropped a little tighter on right to lose the yellow sign, but otherwise this is ok. Not sure if this is best with the sidewalk horizontal (as is), or with 'verticals' (e.g. door frame and subject) vertical - if you know what I mean.
Well done Ajith, a very good series.
These are my personal views, others, more enlightened than I, may differ.
Hope it helps,
Hi Ajith,
I agree with Dave! Shot #2 is easily the best one here in my opinion. You have a nice location there for shots. Makes me wonder if there are any nice textured locations close to me.
Good work! Keep them coming.
Meant to ask, what did your friends think of the results?
Hi Dave,
Thanks for your detailed comments. I really appreciate that. Pic#1 is really a risky and "illegal" shotas the rail track is an active one.
I want that jacket on pic 3!!Great photos BTW