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Thread: Does anybody know if one is allowed to take a tripod in hand-luggage?

  1. #1

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    Does anybody know if one is allowed to take a tripod in hand-luggage?

    I tried to read the easy jet [Travelling in Europe] site for information on what is allowed and what is not in the hand luggage. It says all about liquids, anything that could be used as an armoury but no clear message about a camera folded tripod.
    Going on a short visit & not plan to have a check-in luggage, I wounder if a folded camera tripod in my hand luggage would be allowed?

    Does anybody have any experience? I do not want to loose my tripod going through the airport security.


  2. #2
    The Blue Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Does anybody know if one is allowed to take a tripod in hand-luggage?

    Hey Arun,

    This is not something I've ever done as I always break mine down and put it in the case. Plus, I don't think I've ever seen anybody with a tripod on a plane, and we fly very regularly. If I were you I'd ring the airline.

  3. #3

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    Re: Does anybody know if one is allowed to take a tripod in hand-luggage?

    Hi Arun, Personally i would not think that an airline would let you take a tripod on a plane as hand luggage, as it could possibly be used as a weapon.

    As previously said, best check with the airline. I would think that it would have to go in the hold.

  4. #4

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    Re: Does anybody know if one is allowed to take a tripod in hand-luggage?

    Thanks guys.
    You could see how often I travel by air
    I would not risk loosing my tripod. I shall find a wall or some other object to prop-up my camera if needs be for slower shutter speed.


  5. #5

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    Re: Does anybody know if one is allowed to take a tripod in hand-luggage?

    Hi Arun, Have you considered on of these :-

  6. #6

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    Re: Does anybody know if one is allowed to take a tripod in hand-luggage?

    Hi Dave,
    I have something smilar but it is not as versatile as the one you put in your link.
    Thank you.

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Does anybody know if one is allowed to take a tripod in hand-luggage?

    Or a bean bag?

  8. #8
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Does anybody know if one is allowed to take a tripod in hand-luggage?

    Hi Arun, if the camera is not too heavy (pocket camera) they make a bottle cap attachment for the camera. When you get where you are going, fill a bottle with water and add the cap. Instant tripod! er... Self standing monopod?

  9. #9
    PhotoByTrace's Avatar
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    Re: Does anybody know if one is allowed to take a tripod in hand-luggage?

    I recently travelled through the USA and into Canada and back to USA with a Benro fold flat tripod (head separate) in my carry-on backpack. Didn't get any questions... was also lugging my motorcycle helmet in a sling bag... again no questions. Regularly lug the helmet around the world as carry on luggage but first time I've had a tripod. Admittedly this is a small, light unobtrusive looking tripod that fits in the laptop compartment of my backpack. It was in my checked luggage for the majority of my journeying though. Just thought I'd share my one and only experience.

  10. #10
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    It depends...

    It depends on the phase of the moon, the position of the important planets and if the security checker had an argument with their spouse the night before!

    As an example, I flew to Anchorage from Los Angeles on Alaska Airlines and was told by the airline that I could not carry my monopod aboard because "It is a weapon-like instrument!" My monopod would not fold down small enough to fit in my suitcase so I did not bring it.

    Going through security in Anchorage on my way back, I saw a person carrying a monopod as hand carried baggage. Asking the Anchorage security person if monopods were allowed as carry on; I was told, "Sure, people carry them aoard all the time!"

    I would have been stuck with a serious problem if I had flown from Anchorage to Los Angeles with my monopod, first, and then could not bring my monopod aboard the plane on the way back!

    Learning from that experience, I switched monopods to one which will fit in my suitcase (cheaper solution than getting a new very expensive suitcase) and carried it as checked baggage on the international round-trip flights from San Francisco to Beijing and on five or six internal Chinese flights with no problem...

    The morale of this story is that the rules are apparently not carved in granite and are apparently not the same all over. I plan to send my tripod or monopod as checked on baggage on all future flights rather than be put in the awkward position of not being able to bring the equipment with me. I lost a neat LEATHERMAN Micro Tool that way a few years ago when the Transportation Security Agent confiscated it. That was a lot easier than missing the flight but, the Micro Tool only cost about twenty dollars and I could live with that loss.

    BTW: LEATHERMAN had discontinued the production of that handy little tool that I love; so I purchased several in an eBay auction lot. The seller of that lot of Micro Tools was the U.S. Transportation Security Agency who had obviously confiscated a bunch of them. I wonder if one of the tools I purchased was the one that TSA had confiscated from me?
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 11th August 2011 at 09:58 PM.

  11. #11
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: It depends...

    Went through security ok with the largest Joby Gorillapod, the heavyweight one! But I wouldnt risk a normal tripod. (that was in the case!!)

    Airport security as Richard says can be very funny. Does depend on who you get!

    We got through ok with a largish Pelican case last time, but the stewardess was about to object at the aircraft door when we told her 'but it fitted the case checker at security check in' ...... just, only just!

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