Helpful Posts:
18th March 2009, 09:30 PM
18th March 2009, 11:19 PM
18th March 2009, 11:35 PM
Re: sunsets & trees
Hi Chris,
Were these taken this evening?
I noticed it was 'that kind of a sunset' whilst driving home from work. I should have stopped and got the camera out myself, but I had company who might not have appreciated that!
I can't decide on a favourite, they're all good compositions for differing reasons and I'd have been pleased to have taken any one of them myself.
Well done,
19th March 2009, 01:09 AM
Re: sunsets & trees
I like the blood red/orange hazy sun in 2 but got to say 4 is my favourite. I really like the angle and position of the sun beind the trees but not obscured. It looks sort of faked, but in a good way, almost like you've added the sun in pp photomanipulation. I say sort of faked look as it's still natural lookin' but my eyes don't expect to see the sun there so has an unexpected surreal feel to it.
Only thing I would change with pic 4 (which isn't possible in camera) is pull down the background treeline blacks a bit to make midway between what they are now and the foreground silhouetted trees. Just to increase the impact a bit, although might ruin the pic for many people. Does that make sense? Sorry I cannot explain very well.
When you say you had to araldite it, what are you refering to? I presume a lens filter but could have the wrong end of the stick. The amount of times araldite rapid has saved my boots when the soles have come off at inopportune times (not any more, my current boots have glued, screwed and stitched soles just to be sure
quick edit to show you what I meant, hope you don't mind.

I left your exif intact so my tweak prob wont show (other than I used cs4 in vista) so all i did is pulled mid/shadow curve down a little and added a sharpening mask to the trees directly in front of sun to make impact more and blur brushed over a few other bits.
Last edited by Davey; 19th March 2009 at 01:29 AM.
19th March 2009, 08:16 AM
Re: sunsets & trees
thank you all for kind comments
Dave: they are from 2 evenings, the 17th with distinct clouds, the 18th with only misting apart from cirrus higher up
Davey: I think you are right. So far a selection from a lot more possibles, now have an indication of which to work on further and how, thanks. The araldite was just a joke as if I was actually photographing a suspended light - there is a jet trail that makes it look broken. I use Evostick for boots.
19th March 2009, 08:26 AM
Re: sunsets & trees
Ah, the (araldited) penny drops!
Superglue is useless at high temperatures, so don't try that.
19th March 2009, 01:29 PM
Re: sunsets & trees
Nice shots Chris, what's that large orange disc?
I've seen that somewhere before!
19th March 2009, 05:02 PM
Re: sunsets & trees
WOW! Very nice. Only suggestion I would have is to clone out that line on the bottom half of the moon on the fourth image.
19th March 2009, 07:30 PM
Re: sunsets & trees
Very beautiful pictures.
19th March 2009, 10:13 PM
Re: sunsets & trees
additional thanks Keith, Chuck & Brigitte
Still plenty of variations, a couple from tonight's show. Note use of our local rather small supply of reflective water

19th March 2009, 10:17 PM
Re: sunsets & trees
Aha now I see the araldite reference upon re-reading. Man I think I'm slow sometimes hehehehe. I read it in a completely different way and wondered what the hell you were talking about but now it's obvious when I re-read it. The fact most superglue doesn't work at most high temp doesn't necessarily apply to some AB epoxy glues like araldite since epoxy resins tend to be heat stable although they set quicker (many set underwater too making useful for swimming pool repairs, eg miliput epoxy putty). Still using them on the sun might be a touch over their effective temp range.
20th March 2009, 04:49 AM
Re: sunsets & trees
Not wanting to racially profile myself but Australians know a thing or two about Sunrises and Sunsets (and being baked between them) My Aust opinion is that they are all too good
...... Fantasic Images
Last edited by wallyir; 20th March 2009 at 05:00 AM.
Reason: the to they
20th March 2009, 05:51 AM
Re: sunsets & trees
Oh, that is balm for my romantic soul

21st March 2009, 01:16 AM
Re: sunsets & trees
The second picture are very nice, well done.
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