Here are a few of the better shots we have taken (upwards of 2000 since we started using the camera 2 months ago). Haven't edited them in any way other than cropping a bit here and there, and the resize. Suggestions on PP, framing, etc are more than welcome. We have ABSOLUTELY no idea what we are doing from an apeture size setting/ISO setting/shutter speed/etc aspect, so if these could have been better by messing with some settings (in general), please PLEASE tell us =)
BTW, thanks for allowing us to join your community!
[ [COLOR=darkorange]1 Point ]
![Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]]( point.jpg)
[ [COLOR=darkorange]4 Corners ]
![Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]]( Corners.jpg)
[ [COLOR=darkorange]1000 mirrors ]
![Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]]( mirrors.jpg)
[ [COLOR=darkorange]Alien Cocoon ]
![Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]]( Cocoon.jpg)
[ [COLOR=darkorange]American Postcard ]
![Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]]( Postcard.jpg)
[ [COLOR=darkorange]Barely Hanging On ]
![Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]]( Hanging On.jpg)
[ [COLOR=darkorange]Big 0s ]
![Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]]( 0s.jpg)
[ [COLOR=darkorange]Cold Feet ]
![Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]]( Feet.jpg)
[ [COLOR=darkorange]Complete Sense Of Loss ]
![Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]]( Sense Of Loss.jpg)
[ [COLOR=darkorange]Frozen Perspective ]
![Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]]( Perspective.jpg)
[ [COLOR=darkorange]Ghost Back Mountain ]
![Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]]( Back Mountain.jpg)
Camera - Canon EOS Rebel XSi
Lens - EFS 18-55mm Image Stablized Auto Focus
Lens - EFS 55-250 mm Image Stabilized Auto Focus
Filter - Sunpak 58mm UltraViolet
Filter - Sunpak 58mm Diffusion
Filter - Quantaray 58mm Circular Polarizer
Filter - Quantaray 58mm Neutral Density (ND2)
Filter - Quantaray 58mm +10 Macro
I should tell you that most of these were taken with the UV and Diffusion filters. There is 1 that was taken with the Macro filter.
Anwyay, there it is. Part 2 coming in a sec.
Thanks again!