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Thread: Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Mar 2009

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    Here are a few of the better shots we have taken (upwards of 2000 since we started using the camera 2 months ago). Haven't edited them in any way other than cropping a bit here and there, and the resize. Suggestions on PP, framing, etc are more than welcome. We have ABSOLUTELY no idea what we are doing from an apeture size setting/ISO setting/shutter speed/etc aspect, so if these could have been better by messing with some settings (in general), please PLEASE tell us =)

    BTW, thanks for allowing us to join your community!

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]1 Point ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]4 Corners ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]1000 mirrors ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]Alien Cocoon ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]American Postcard ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]Barely Hanging On ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]Big 0s ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]Cold Feet ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]Complete Sense Of Loss ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]Frozen Perspective ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]Ghost Back Mountain ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]
    Camera - Canon EOS Rebel XSi
    Lens - EFS 18-55mm Image Stablized Auto Focus
    Lens - EFS 55-250 mm Image Stabilized Auto Focus
    Filter - Sunpak 58mm UltraViolet
    Filter - Sunpak 58mm Diffusion
    Filter - Quantaray 58mm Circular Polarizer
    Filter - Quantaray 58mm Neutral Density (ND2)
    Filter - Quantaray 58mm +10 Macro
    I should tell you that most of these were taken with the UV and Diffusion filters. There is 1 that was taken with the Macro filter.

    Anwyay, there it is. Part 2 coming in a sec.

    Thanks again!
    Last edited by CogLio; 16th March 2009 at 06:17 PM.

  2. #2
    New Member
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    Mar 2009

    Re: Mish Mash... [Part 2 of 2 - 11 images]

    As promised a few seconds ago...

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]Leftovers ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]Like Glass ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]OG and E ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]Old Glory ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]On Top Of The World ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]Peek A Boo ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]Pins and Needles ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]Reflections ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]Rocky Mountain Haze ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]Slippery When Wet ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    [ [COLOR=darkorange]The One That Got Away ]

    Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    As I have been going back and checking that everything is showing, I realize that I should have probably resized to 1024 x 768 instead of 800 x 600... I will remember that in the future. I might add links in the titles to the full version if anyone would rather see that (4272x2848). What is a good resolution to resize to for printing purposes?
    Last edited by CogLio; 16th March 2009 at 06:22 PM.

  3. #3
    atvinnys's Avatar
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    Re: Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]


    good serie you have here.(I like [ Like Glass ])
    a couple of things:

    1/aperture, and other EXIF data: you can find those with ExifTool. also there is a firefox plugin for exifViewer (if you are using firefox)

    2/ CiC website will automatically readjust the picture size displayed on the screen (now, of course, it'll have to download the version you posted first before it can do that).


  4. #4
    New Member
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    Re: Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    What would be an acceptable size for posting? I saw 1024 x 768 mentioned a few times, but did 800 x 600 to keep from irritating people. I would LOVE to post larger =) What is the max? and I will come in under that for sure =)

    I will see what I can find for EXIF data. What would be special about using Firefox vs IE (for you guys I mean)?

  5. #5
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    Welcome one or both

    It is much easier for us to comment on at most say 3 images at a time on related themes, but I like the 'reflections' shot.

    While checking to se if exif are there (yes, good) I noticed a 1/50. Unless you invariably use a tripod, and I suspect this is not the case, it safer to use min shutter speed 1/200 to avoid shake on a DSLR

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    Hi Carl,

    I'd stick to 800, or no more than 1024 wide, especially if posting loads of images in a thread like this, because it can take tens of seconds to finish loading for people. It reloads everytime someone like me adds a post to a thread like this.

    If a thread has say, one image in, and that contains lots of detail you need people to be able to see, (e.g. very fine detail, or a lens defect) then it would be ok to post at the with a higher resolution. However, even then, it might be kinder to people if, having inserted the 800px image, you make the image itself a hyperlink to where a full size image is available. I did this here with a picture of Windsor Castle.

    That's just my view, not the official one.


  7. #7
    New Member
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    Re: Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    I just wanted to get the bulk of what I have that was worth posting up. In the future, will likely only be 2 - 3 shots at a time. I will stick with the 8x6 and link it like you did Dave!

  8. #8

    Re: Mish Mash... [Part 1 of 2 - 11 images]

    Too many to look at and comment about.

    Cold Feet is my favourite, like the lead into the image together with the feeling of cold that it portrays.

    Reflections needs leveling, I think that could be sharpened a little.


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