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Thread: Daylilies!

  1. #1
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    up on a knob above Paden City, West Virginia
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    Marie Hass


    These are from my flower beds. I have about 20 different varieties of daylilies.





    Please feel free to C&C. Thanks for looking!

    Last edited by Marie Hass; 9th July 2011 at 12:17 PM. Reason: added more pictures

  2. #2

    Re: Daylilies!

    Hi, Marie! Wow! Twenty different kinds! I wish that I could see it, myself - it sounds really lovely. I like the first two the best. In #3 I think that your main subject - the stamens - isn't strong enough to hold the attention and there's just too much that's out of focus. Also, that strong color.... I think that maybeit's suffering from whatever those strong colors suffer from - underexposed? Blown? If I could figure it out, you'd see me posting more with those strongly saturated colors. I'm thinking something very similar about the last one, too.

    I love the glowing center on #2, and, in the first two, the colors of the petals, how complementary the background is and how you picked flowers that were a little ragged - it gives a nice style.

  3. #3

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    Re: Daylilies!

    A rabid day lily shooter myself, I found that closing down a stop or two still afforded me nice sharp detail (sepecially using my 100mm macro), but increased the depth of field so as to exemplify the best features of the flower, rather only small bits. #2 & 4 are the best focus wise, but if the intent was only the very end of the stamen, then go there and let the rest blur into oblivion. I love these flowers and also have 15 to 20 different varieties in my yard which I shoot on a regular basis. They make for great focusing practice.

  4. #4
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    up on a knob above Paden City, West Virginia
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    Marie Hass

    Re: Daylilies!

    Thanks Katy and Chris for your comments. I agree that #3 may be over saturated and underexposed. I think #4 suffers from too much strong evening light

    Chris, thanks for your suggestions. As a viewer, would you rather have seen these flowers in their entirety? Or a bit of both? Is there a bit of CW as to what to present? This is the first time I have taken pictures with an intent to present.


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