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Thread: Just Mall !

  1. #1

    Just Mall !

    Just Mall !

    Just Mall !

  2. #2
    David's Avatar
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    Re: Just Mall !

    Hi Iwanbogor - I find these images a bit too busy for my taste. I can't seem to focus on anything in particular. When I've tried to take similar images, I have tried to make sure that there is an obvious "line of depth" (I've just made that phrase up but it sounds good!) that leads the eye through to the back of the scene. The escalator could be such a line, but it gets stopped at the top. Nevertheless, the Mall looks like a good place for a photoshoot and a return visit might pay dividends.


  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Just Mall !

    Hi Iwan,

    They are technically reasonable as a record of what was in the Mall, but they are not really stand alone 'good' photographs; where one can say, "that's the subject and isn't it captured well".

    For that, the photographer needs to decide what the subject is and use all the tricks of the media to enhance it for the viewer.

    Hope that helps,

  4. #4

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Just Mall !

    I have to agree with the above 2 comments - but don't be disheartened!

    Because it's so "busy", my suggestion would be to zoom in more and isolate individual items as features in a series of shots.

  5. #5

    Re: Just Mall !

    Thanks guys for all reaction & advise.....

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