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Thread: Critics & Experts please share your views

  1. #1

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    Critics & Experts please share your views

    Hello Forum,

    I have taken this picture last weekend . Please share your views on composition and other details including the points where I could have captured it better .

    I have used the kit lens that comes with Samsung NX11.

    Critics & Experts please share your views

  2. #2
    whited3's Avatar
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    Re: Critics & Experts please share your views

    I like it; nice and sharp. The background white flowers do detract from the focused image to the left and right.

  3. #3

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    Re: Critics & Experts please share your views

    Thanks for sharing your views Mark

  4. #4

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    Re: Critics & Experts please share your views

    This is very pretty Kaushik. I am no expert but I do love florals. The one thing I would do with this shot for sure is to crop the pole and the little bit of pink flower on the left border. It is very distracting. I'm also wondering how it would have been taken at a lower or higher angle so that the background was all the same. It is a very nice shot, but the subject needs something to make is stand out a bit more, that could be a less cluttered or blurrier background and/or more dramatic lighting.

    Just my thoughts, I have a lot of the same type of shot and they always make me want to try again at a different angle or different time of day.


  5. #5

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    Re: Critics & Experts please share your views

    That background, Kaushik, is a total mess; as the others have mentioned.

    You may have just about got away with it if you had a bright red flower, or similar strong colour. But a white flower needs a clean background.

    Your basic focus and exposure seems OK though.

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Critics & Experts please share your views

    Your background blends into your main subject. It is difficult to see shere the flower starts and ends and where the background is shown.

    Additionally, placing your main subject dead center in a image is not the best composition.

  7. #7

    Re: Critics & Experts please share your views

    I agree about the background. It always pays to walk around the subject if you can. Check the viewfinder at each viewpoint until you get a background that contains no significant contrasts of colour or brightness. Even the smallest highlight can cause an alien splodge in the background blur. The subject itself is well exposed but lacks vibrancy. Try pushing the levels and curves manipulation a little further this usually helps.

    Interesting choice of camera. It looks to be doing a decent job with that kit lens.

  8. #8

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    Re: Critics & Experts please share your views

    Thanks Wendy , Geoff , Richard , and Steve for sharing your views. Right now the picture is as it was shot , I will try some post processing as suggested by you all . I have noted the point on the composition and will keep that in mind from now on.

    The flower was in the road side pavement with roads on the other two sides . In such a case where I don't have an option to choose other background is there any way to make background look nicer .

    Please advice

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Critics & Experts please share your views

    Some scenes, I'm afraid, are just too difficult to work well.

    I suppose you could work with layers and masks to darken and blur the background a bit more or even extract the main subject then place it onto a more suitable background. But quite a lot of work would be involved.

    Sometimes, I have seen a photographer place a neutral coloured card behind the required flower area. But this can be a struggle to get correct, particularly in those surroundings. An assistant might be helpful.

  10. #10

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    Re: Critics & Experts please share your views

    In PS I will try to make it better than it's current state . I recently purchased this camera and this is the first time I am using anything other than the point and shot. I am keen to learn from your all suggestions .

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