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Thread: Photo correction on computer or retake photo?

  1. #1
    Bm7b5's Avatar
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    Photo correction on computer or retake photo?

    So, I mentioned that buying my wife dSLR was what actually got me back into photography after many years out of the game.

    So I take her out one evening, and I go over a variety of aspects of what we are about to shoot, including depth of field, metering, night shooting, bracketing, etc, etc, etc......

    She then turns around and gets the best shot of the evening,

    Here is her shot:

    Photo correction on computer or retake photo?

    And here is mine:

    Photo correction on computer or retake photo?

    I actually prefer my colors but in not paying close enough attention to my framing, the branch doesn't fully resolve, and it drives me crazy.

    I feel like the tip of the branch should be seen against the color of the sky to fully resolve. As it is it kind of runs into the dark, and it bugs me.

    So my question to you post-processing geeks, , is it possible to correct, or should I just re-shoot sometime ?


  2. #2

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Photo correction

    Sounds a bit like my first game of golf ... put tee in the ground - ball on top - "assumed the position" - knocked it down the fairway (a little to the right). 2nd shot - knocked it onto the green, 3rd shot dropped it in the hole for a par three.

    Second hole - 1 over par (hey, even Tiger Woods has a bad day eh?) - by this stage I was about ready to turn pro.

    ... a few holes later I was taking 10 swings to knock it off the tee - bouncing off powerlines etc etc etc - I think I finished the round in something like 158

    I think they call it "beginners luck" for a reason

    ... hope this makes you feel better!

  3. #3
    Bm7b5's Avatar
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    Re: Photo correction

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Sounds a bit like my first game of golf ... put tee in the ground - ball on top - "assumed the position" - knocked it down the fairway (a little to the right). 2nd shot - knocked it onto the green, 3rd shot dropped it in the hole for a par three.

    Second hole - 1 over par (hey, even Tiger Woods has a bad day eh?) - by this stage I was about ready to turn pro.

    ... a few holes later I was taking 10 swings to knock it off the tee - bouncing off powerlines etc etc etc - I think I finished the round in something like 158

    I think they call it "beginners luck" for a reason

    ... hope this makes you feel better!

    I prefer to think of it as REALLY EXCELLENT coaching.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Photo correction

    Hi Rick,

    I think it's going to be a re-shoot I'm afraid, and I'm someone who will PP anything to death (and well into the afterlife!).

    I have to say, Kristin's shot did make me go WOW when I saw it, mainly because of the OTT colors.

    Just a thought; if you're going for this kind of near focus silhouette shot, could you take some props along to shoot against the sunset? Not that I can think what they might be, just rather than be at the mercy of nature's twig/tree growing composition, take something with a good shape to it - might help even things up Mind you, what has been shot looks perfectly adequate compositionally.

    EDIT: I suppose the only thing I'd suggest with your shot is to carefully clone off (completely) everything that touches or crosses the horizon, that way you'll be happy but the tree will be a different shape!

    Joint regards,
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th March 2009 at 08:17 AM. Reason: I couldn't resist a PP solution

  5. #5
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Photo correction

    Hi Bm7b5,

    I suggest that you put your wife on here, she is clearly a good photographer with a good eye for the picture.

    How does cooking & cleaning grab you?

    Seriously, I have tried adjusting your picture and yes it will clean up with care. But I keep coming back to your wife's example.

    I suggest you give her lots of praise for such a good shot, that way next time you want a new lens etc it might be an easier win for you.

  6. #6

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    Re: Photo correction

    Quote Originally Posted by Bm7b5 View Post
    I feel like the tip of the branch should be seen against the color of the sky to fully resolve. it possible to correct, or should I just re-shoot sometime?
    In most situations recomposing the photo would require reshooting, but with the solid black silhouette it should be fairly easy to select the branch, and cut it from the background, then clone over where the branch was, and reposition the branch.

    Personally I think it looks fine as is, and I think in a large print the dark branch would stand out from the dark water (?) more than in a small websize file.

  7. #7

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    Re: Photo correction on computer or retake photo?

    I did check on your location because, to me, that looks like an antipodean tree - it appears to be going in the wrong direction. I know that there is nothing wrong with a hanging branch but I just can't see it as that on your photo.

    On your wife's photo, I can obviously see what it is, the branch may be a bit too thick for my taste but it still makes sense. I keep trying to turn my head upside down to look at your tree, but perhaps that is just me.

    How long to wait for another sunset like that one? It would be about twice a year here.

  8. #8
    Bm7b5's Avatar
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    Re: Photo correction

    Quote Originally Posted by shreds View Post
    Hi Bm7b5,

    I suggest that you put your wife on here, she is clearly a good photographer with a good eye for the picture.

    How does cooking & cleaning grab you?

    Seriously, I have tried adjusting your picture and yes it will clean up with care. But I keep coming back to your wife's example.

    I suggest you give her lots of praise for such a good shot, that way next time you want a new lens etc it might be an easier win for you.

    I don't need any new lens. She assures me I can borrow HERS anytime I like...... as long as I ask first.....

  9. #9

    Re: Photo correction on computer or retake photo?

    I liked the pic taken by your wife but you can argue with her saying "My pic has more colors "

    Feel ok now ??


  10. #10

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    Re: Photo correction on computer or retake photo?

    Both of these pictures are very nice. I also agree that the colours in your shot are a little nicer, although you could reduce the amount of blue sky. It tends to be too obvious. Personally though, in both cases, I think the branch should have been used as more of a frame jnstead of being central in the picture. Just a slight movement would have done it.
    To each his own I guess.

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