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Thread: Evening Stretch

  1. #1
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Evening Stretch

    The sunset was less than spectacular on this particular night, but I was lucky enough to run into my sister-in-law's sister, who kindly granted my request for a pose. Shot on a tripod. Suggestions for improvement welcome.

    Evening Stretch

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Evening Stretch

    Not only a very nice and helpful sister-in-law's sister, but also a very fit one.

  3. #3

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    Re: Evening Stretch

    Please excuse the somewhat crudeness of this edit as I was trying to mimic an in-camera function that would require far more time and expertise that I currently possess. To me, you are trying to capture two separate but important events: the sunset and the stretch, one being a little more important the the other - your sister.

    My suggestion, for future reference, would be to crop the less than spectacular sunset and focus more on your sister, and also use a little bit of fill flash to give her a bit of embodiment. Like you said, the sky wasn't so great as to overpower the scene and therefore, while you'd be able to see your sister, there wouldn't be enough to make the whole scene powerful.

    In my adjustment, you can see the beginnings of this possibility, though again, it is a tad on the not so refined edge. Sorry.

    Evening Stretch

  4. #4
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: Evening Stretch

    Quote Originally Posted by MiniChris View Post
    To me, you are trying to capture two separate but important events: the sunset and the stretch, one being a little more important the the other - your sister.
    Now it is me who has made a misleading title choice, I guess. My intent in this frame was to compensate for the lack of colour in the sky by providing some foreground interest. I shot other frames that make the human the main subject, but this one was conceived as more of a landscape. I take it it fails as that? Don't be afraid to give me your honest opinion. I can take it.

  5. #5

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    Re: Evening Stretch

    In the case of silhouettes:

    Attempt to shoot silhouettes that are recognizable.
    That siluette not merge with the environment.
    A good pose is profile or front.
    Of course, without flash or editing that reveals the person photographed.

    I would have chosen a different pose in this.

    good luck.

  6. #6
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: Evening Stretch

    Thank you, Gonzalo. I think I understand. I have reviewed the other frames to see if I can make them fit your criteria, but I think I am going to have to prevail on my friend for a re-shoot.

  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Evening Stretch

    Quote Originally Posted by purplehaze View Post
    The sunset was less than spectacular on this particular night, but I was lucky enough to run into my sister-in-law's sister, who kindly granted my request for a pose. Shot on a tripod. Suggestions for improvement welcome.
    I would suggest either pumping in a tiny bit of light (perhaps a fill flash) to separate the leg from the top of the rail or shoot from a slightly different angle to show the leg as different from the rail top. I "know" what is happening in this image but I don't really "see" it happening...

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