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Thread: Should I buy the Canon 500d?

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Should I buy the Canon 500d?

    Hello everyone!
    My name is Barak Yaari and I am new to this forum (and to photography at all).
    I own a Canon 120is and I now feel that the time to get upgraded has come.
    I am intrested in all sorts of photography (people, nature ect..)
    I have been suggested to buy a new Canon 500D.
    I will be very happy to hear your suggestions.

    The amount I am willing to invest is about 1200$ (Camera + Lense).
    Should I go for the Canon 500d? or maybe try to find a second-hand 40d?
    Might the Nikon D5000 Be a better deal for me?
    Or is it better to put invest some more and to buy the 550D\D90?
    And of course - there is allways the lens issue:
    Should I buy a "body only" with a better lense, or to stick with the kit lense for the start?
    Which lense do you reccomend me to buy?
    As you Can see - I am very confused, and would love to hear some suggestions.

    I Live in Israel, so please notice that all the photo equipment is a bit more expensive than in the US.
    Thank you very very much,

  2. #2
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: Should I buy the Canon 500d?

    I would recommend that you start with the kit lens and grow from there. Even after you grow into "pro" or "semi-pro" lenses, the kit lenses will find use. The kit lenses I have experience with are Nikon and are very good. The reports I get from Canon users are that their kit lenses are very good, also.


  3. #3

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    2 penny for the guess..

    Re: Should I buy the Canon 500d?

    Hi Yaari,

    Wellcome to CiC,
    I can recomend you Canon 40D, with 18-135IS (or 28-135 IS USM). You should be able to stay in your budget. Also, 50mm 1.8 II can be squized in your budget. I don't know Nikon products, but D90 should be the pair of 40D.

    PS: Once, if you have how, please send me a picture. From Dimona to Dead Sea, right before the road goes down, there is a parking place from where you can see all that "space". I went there in a trip and stoped arround 5PM.. I still have that view in my mind.

  4. #4

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    Re: Should I buy the Canon 500d?

    Hi Barak,

    Have a read through these posts and see if any of the discussions help ...


    Canon 550D

    50D and 500D

    Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

  5. #5
    mythlady's Avatar
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    Re: Should I buy the Canon 500d?

    Hi Barak -- I can tell you my experience. I had a Canon S2 for several years (the high-end point and shoot, now probably the S5). Although it wasn't a DSLR, I learned a lot about photography with it. I upgraded to the Rebel XT (which I think is your 500D) and I rather quickly outgrew it, probably within a year -- but again, I had spent several years with my S2 on manual at that point (which maybe you have as well). I got the 40D and I am very happy with it. I agree with the recommendation of the 50mm lens, but if your budget will allow, I suggest the 50mm 1.4 rather than the 1.8 -- it costs more, but it's a much better build. That has been my "walk-around" lens for almost two years now. It's a terrific lens.

    Good luck on getting your camera!

  6. #6

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    Re: Should I buy the Canon 500d?

    You certainly won't hear any serious criticism of the 40D.

    Lens choice is always tricky. If you get a good deal with a 'kit' lens and it is a size and quality which would suit you, then by all means go for it. But there is no point in getting a lens which doesn't suit you, so in that case you would be better off purchasing a body and a more suitable lens separately. It all depends on what is on offer.

    Much the same applies to a fixed length lens like a 50 mm. These 'prime' lenses allow you to achieve good quality at a reasonable price; but they don't suit everybody.

    If you can 'zoom' by using your feet and walk to find a suitable spot, they are ideal. However, for the sort of photography that I do, they would often be totally useless; so that means getting an expensive zoom.

    If you do get a secondhand deal though, you may well find that it comes with a decent lens as a 'job lot'.

  7. #7
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Should I buy the Canon 500d?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    You certainly won't hear any serious criticism of the 40D.

    Lens choice is always tricky. If you get a good deal with a 'kit' lens and it is a size and quality which would suit you, then by all means go for it. But there is no point in getting a lens which doesn't suit you, so in that case you would be better off purchasing a body and a more suitable lens separately. It all depends on what is on offer.

    Much the same applies to a fixed length lens like a 50 mm. These 'prime' lenses allow you to achieve good quality at a reasonable price; but they don't suit everybody.

    If you can 'zoom' by using your feet and walk to find a suitable spot, they are ideal. However, for the sort of photography that I do, they would often be totally useless; so that means getting an expensive zoom.

    If you do get a secondhand deal though, you may well find that it comes with a decent lens as a 'job lot'.
    If purchasing new one or two options of kit lens is always offered. I doubt if anyone can trade up to a 50mm as the kit selection without some added cost. I like those offers where the body and two kit lenses are offered for one bargain price, wish it was available when I went searching for my first DSLR.

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