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Thread: Disposable Light

  1. #1

    Disposable Light

    Another set done at the same time as the controversial pan scrubs. This time a set of plastic disposable glasses. No expense spared with my props EDIT: I have just spotted the mess in the lower left of the 2nd shot......I will fix this when I have kicked the cat (no complaints please....figure of speech)

    Disposable Light

    Disposable Light

    Disposable Light

    Disposable Light

    Disposable Light

    Disposable Light
    Last edited by Wirefox; 30th January 2010 at 08:20 PM.

  2. #2

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    Re: Disposable Light

    You do have a way of making the ordinary look extrodinary!! 3 & 4 get my vote. Oh and 5.... and 1 is nice too

  3. #3

    Re: Disposable Light

    Thankyou. I think I might be part Womble (not sure if you have Wombles in Canada)

    Underground, overground, wombling free,
    The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we.
    Making good use of the things that we find,
    Things that the everyday folks leave behind.

    People don't notice us, they never see,
    Under their noses a Womble may be.
    We womble by night and we womble by day,
    Looking for litter to trundle away.

    We're so incredibly, utterly devious
    Making the most of everything.
    Even bottles and tins.
    Pick up the pieces and make them into something new,
    Is what we do!

    Underground, overground, wombling free,
    The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we.
    Making good use of the things that we find,
    Things that the everyday folks leave behind.

  4. #4
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Disposable Light

    Well I've bought myself another flash today; I'm amazed at how interesting you make things that are, not interesting. I forgot to get the A0 ect but will try to do some of this stuff myself. I haven't got a cat so I will kick next doors.

  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Disposable Light

    Underground, overground, wombling free, ... etc
    Don't give up the day job!

    The rest of the world needs to know that, to our eternal shame and horror, this actually was a song that got somewhere in the charts in the (??- 1970s?). Performed by a group of people dressed up in very odd furry costumes (it was an TV programme for kids - from 5 - 25!). Yes, this is the same country that once had an empire! I blame Thatcherism (but I blame Thatcherism for everything).
    Last edited by Donald; 1st February 2010 at 09:33 PM.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Coventry, UK

    Re: Disposable Light

    Brilliant in my opinion.
    What lighting do you use to get the different tones?


  7. #7

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    Re: Disposable Light

    Thankyou. I think I might be part Womble (not sure if you have Wombles in Canada)
    We have Wombles, but not by that name. There should great business oportunities for Wombles. Making something useful of all the things we usually throw away. Creative recycling - good for the environment too. It would have to be a partnership though. A collector Womble, a creative Womble to decide what to make, a business Womble to figure out how to make money, and a photographer Womble to make the creations look so extraordinary that everyone would have to have one.

    Carry on wombling (sp) I always like to see what you are up to


  8. #8

    Re: Disposable Light

    Well I've bought myself another flash today; I'm amazed at how interesting you make things that are, not interesting. I forgot to get the A0 ect but will try to do some of this stuff myself.
    What lighting do you use to get the different tones?
    Arith, I hope you did not spend too much on the additional flash Introducing the latest in high tech fixed studio lighting units.........the Stanley 369 Tripod Torch
    Disposable Light

    You can even control the amount of power by the number of batteries in each leg and it has a wide angle function...steady on I can see you are impressed (and all for 20 quid - well it was a gift actually) It is also very good for hunting out shoes from under the stairs.

    Seriously though the LED gives a harsh blue light which is ideal for glass and steel/chrome objects. To answer Keith's question the yellow versions employ a high precision gel..a yellow sweet wrapper held in place with blu tac. The kind that the round toffee quality street is wrapped in. This technique has the added advantage in that you get to eat the sweeties first. These shots were taken using only the torch light, camera in AV mode, ISO 100, f/4.5ishand a 30 year old Bilora Stativ video tripod. (which I think was used by the SAS to mount 50 mm Brownings on Jeeps during the North Africa campaign)

    I was thinking of joining POTN just to display the following kit list:

    Canon 450D, Glass thingy that fits on the front (or is it the back?), Stanley handyman torch, A ball blu tac, A tin of sweeties, an old milk carton (must get round to washing it sometime)

    The rest of the world needs to know that, to our eternal shame and horror, this actually was a song that got somewhere in the charts in the (??- 1970s?). Performed by a group of people dressed up in very odd furry costumes (it was an TV programme for kids - from 5 - 25!). Yes, this is the same country that once had an empire! I blame Thatcherism (but I blame Thatcherism for everything).

    I think you will find that Mrs T was responsible for the Rowing Song, the Birdie Song and Agadoo
    We have Ted Heath to thank for The Wombles, I've Got a Brand New Combined Harvester, Funky Gibbon, Ernie (who drove the fastest milk cart) and Black Pudding Bertha.
    Tony Blurb was responsible for 'Oh What a Lovely War' and 'Suspicious Minds'. Personally I would like to see Boris Johnson as premier. He is just insanely English enough to pull off a Churchill moment. We only seem to go into Eurovision mode in times of hardship...probably because we really do need to have good laugh at ourselves (only in the UK eh)

    Wendy, I think you may be right. It is certainly something to aim for

    Any way enough rambling and nostalgia for one night. I'm off to raid next doors wheelie bin


  9. #9

    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Coventry, UK

    Re: Disposable Light

    Steve, I can see Stanley share price rapidly rising over the next couple of months, along with Macintosh, I think it might be time to invest.

  10. #10
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Disposable Light

    I'm really impressed with that flash; my new flashgun cost 4x as much and I only got it because I like to use slave flash and hate using the onboard flash to trigger it. An electronic trigger won't work with my much more expensive Nissin because it goes to sleep in manual mode after only 5 secs but is great with the optical trigger, that only works with eTTL preflash.

    It is possible to get 10 metre off camera hotshoe and then I will really be in business, but I'm not going to bother about it yet because I have enough flexibility for the time being, and it is only available from China and costs £25.

  11. #11

    Re: Disposable Light

    Glad you said 10 metre and not 10ft. I bought a 10ft coiled one and it is not nearly long enough. I bought mine from a UK dealer (e-bay) but it was a Chinese job. It works great and is fairly well put together....its just the length that I c**ked up on


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