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Thread: The Love Affair

  1. #1

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    The Love Affair

    More like a one-sided love affair.

    The goose absolutely hated it but the dragon absolutely loved it.

    Funny thing was that when the goose swam away, the dragon would go rest on something else but never another goose. When this one returned, the dragon went straight at it. First for the head, if chased off the back or the tail but always somewhere on the guy.

    It was hilarious.

    Poor part is I was too happy watching the show and not concentrating on the pic taking. Missed focus on all shots of the goose snapping at the dragon. Not much better on the shots that did sort of come out. One of my down days for certain.

    The Love Affair

    The Love Affair

    The Love Affair

    But the goose was something special. I have never seen one eating reed. Always something new in the animal world eh?
    The Love Affair

  2. #2

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    Re: The Love Affair

    An excellent piece of natural history in action.

    Insects often seek out the warmest place to set which is why some species will sit on your finger and be reluctant to move.

    But I'm not sure why it chose that particularly bird. Perhaps a slightly different colour or a warmer head? Or a different smell?

    Perhaps the dragonfly was also having a 'down day' and was looking for the down on the goose's back.

  3. #3

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    Re: The Love Affair

    Thanks Geoff for taking the time to comment. Something I am seeing less and less of around this place of late.

    Not sure why myself - it was certainly a very warm day and there was no lack of really warm spots for it to rest on. If not on the goose the dragonfly would be resting on a wooden walkway which was pretty hot to the touch. But once the goose came in sight off he went, always straight for the head.

  4. #4
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: The Love Affair

    The first one in particular, tells a great story Bobo! I might help if you could kick up the contrast a tad on the dragon as it isn't noticed at first. But then, a little mystery to be solved as to why the goose is moving that way is a great way to 'discover' what is happening.

  5. #5

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    Re: The Love Affair

    Thanks Frank for the suggestion. Will try that. These shots have been tough on my limited pp skills.

    #1 was one a series of the goose trying to get the dragon off him. Unfortunately the other shots did not come out.

  6. #6

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    Re: The Love Affair

    "Sharonesque" artsy version.

    The Love Affair

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: The Love Affair

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobobird View Post
    It was hilarious.

    Poor part is I was too happy watching the show and not concentrating on the pic taking. Missed focus on all shots of the goose snapping at the dragon. Not much better on the shots that did sort of come out. One of my down days for certain.
    There are times not to worry too much about not getting the shot, just 'enjoy the moment', I think this was one of them.

    (but I know what you mean)

  8. #8
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: The Love Affair

    Great capture.

    I do some shots of bugs, and damsels and dragonflies definitely like to roost on warm things. When the sun is hot, they often roost on my dock or on the white vinyl seats of our boat.

    I have noticed that sometimes they will come back repeatedly to the same spot to roost if they are disturbed. One of my first shots of a dragon was this common meadowhawk in my front yard. Each time I got close, it would fly away, but time after time, it came back to the same spot:

    The Love Affair

    I'd value these goose and dragon photos more for the interesting capture than anything else.

  9. #9
    jprzybyla's Avatar
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    Re: The Love Affair

    Nice series Bobo. I never imagined such a thing would happen. When I am out and about I shall have to keep an eye out for dragons roosting on birds, but then again maybe it is only that goose and dragon. As you say a love affair.

  10. #10

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    Re: The Love Affair

    Thanks Dave. As in life nothing is always as we want them. I am happy to have witnessed it. Getting great shots would have been nice but who knows one day the same thing would happen again and....

    Thanks Dan - once you have seen some on sticks or whatever it is relatively easy to get close and get your shots. Sometimes it is too easy. That is why I have been spending more time on DIFs.

    Joe - yes always a good idea to take in the scenery first and shoot later.

  11. #11
    terrib's Avatar
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    Re: The Love Affair

    I love this one with the goose's mouth open. It's like it has an expression of exasperation. Interesting story with the photos. But I did have trouble at first seeing the dragonfly in the first one. Thanks for posting them. Makes us think to pay attention to the little things going on.

  12. #12

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    Re: The Love Affair

    Thanks Terri.

    Sorry about #1, it was either this or half a goose.

  13. #13
    Panama Hat & Camera's Avatar
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    Re: The Love Affair

    I understand very well what happened to you because I would be distracted by this "love story" so intriguing.
    Please inform the EXIF ​​data of photos and the lens you used.

  14. #14

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    Re: The Love Affair

    Thanks Antonio.

    The lens were both the Canon 70-300L and Sigma 150mm Macro.
    Exif - ISO 200 or 400, 1/200-1/500, f5.6.
    If I had been properly concentrating the shots should have been taken at ISO200, f11, 1/250 or faster with only the 70-300L.

  15. #15
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: The Love Affair

    Nice serioes Bobo, what a great catch. Not something I have seen happen. Lucky he did not fancy a duck. I have seen ducks eat them.

  16. #16

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    Re: The Love Affair

    Thanks Paul.

    The goose kept shaking off the dragon and snapping at him but the little guy was always able to keep just out of reach. Must have been frustrating for the goose - so near yet so far.

    I did see the same happening the other day when checking for the Snapper. He was at it again but just quietly sitting on the tail and no head attacks.

  17. #17
    ucci's Avatar
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    Re: The Love Affair

    Great shots. You do quite nicely on your so called ' bad days.' And as for the pesky dragon fly. Did it get eaten by something it disagreed with?
    Aside from all of that I also join the chorus that suggests that the the dragon fly is a tad hard to pick up at first in the early shots posted. But putting that aside, great captures.
    Your comment about PS skills brings me back to my pet peeve. That is the over use of photoshop in an attempt to turn dross into gold. Photoshop should be for a slight end touch up, if at all, of a great capture. I reckon you are on the right tram pursing excellence in your captures rather than trying to hammer second rate work into shape with a photoshop mallet.

    This of course is purely me spouting off a personal opinion from my soap box. I would not at all be surprised if the skies opened to dump a torrent of counter criticism on my wee poor pointed head for being so uppity

  18. #18

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    Re: The Love Affair

    Thanks Ken. Nope he is alive and well and was at it again when I went back to the place to see if the Snapping Turtle would come up. He did come up so spent most of the time documenting that guy. The df/goose were not doing the love dance anyway so let it be. Pics of the snapper can be seen here

    Regarding "hard to pickup" that would be pic #1. As I said in an earlier reply, it was either an easy pick up or half a goose. Since I would be taking closer shots anyway it was "proper" to not get too artsy with that one. Unfortunately all the shots of the goose snapping at the df did not come out.

    As for photoshopping - I try as best to keep that to the minimum. If a shot requires too much work that means it is not going to look good anyway so why waste the time. Marginal shots like those posted I will try to correct somewhat. If these were just "ordinary" shots you can bet that the only place to see them would be the recycle bin.

    Even though I have posted them I am quite disappointed with my performance that day. I really could have done better.

    Btw, there is a huge discussion going on in the General Photography section about post-production if you are interested.

    Here are 2 easy to pickup shots but without action. Goose and DF are now on friendly terms it appears.

    The Love Affair

    The Love Affair

  19. #19
    Fstop Manalo's Avatar
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    Re: The Love Affair

    Cool pictures.Cool story. haha. I love this kind of pictures.

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