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Thread: Rural Scenes

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Real Name
    Stephen Campton-Jones

    Rural Scenes

    Three images taken near Kyogle.
    Nikon D80 18-135mm @105mm f5.6 1/160 sec ISO 100
    I processed these a little differently than normal
    I used an exposure layer with a gamma of 0.74 an an offset of 0.0288.
    Sharpened with a high pass filter of 1.5 and a linear light blending mode.

    Rural Scenes

    Rural Scenes

    Rural Scenes

    Now I'm having second thoughts about the blending mode

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Ontario (mostly)
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    Re: Rural Scenes

    Though there is some haloing along the mountain edge, these look pretty good to me.

    What benefit were you expecting from the exposure layer?

  3. #3
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Fort Mill, South Carolina, USA
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    Frank Miller

    Re: Rural Scenes

    Hi Stephen, the scene is lovely but images #1 & #3 appear unnatural with that amount of difference between the sunlit and cloud shaded areas. Number 2 looks dark on my monitor. Although I can't tell what is in the sky in the way of clouds in the direction that the sun is shining from, what sky I can see appears to be almost deviod of clouds making the sunlit verses shaded areas of the image appear a tad illogical.

    Assuming that you did have both a bright sun and heavy clouds casting the shadows, It might work better if the difference wasn't so pronounced. Hope this helps!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Real Name
    Stephen Campton-Jones

    Re: Rural Scenes

    Frank, they were going to be B/W images, I turned off the B/W layer and fiddled trying for something different. I wasn't after natural.

    Rural Scenes

  5. #5
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Fort Mill, South Carolina, USA
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    Frank Miller

    Re: Rural Scenes

    Quote Originally Posted by stephencamptonjones View Post
    Frank, they were going to be B/W images, I turned off the B/W layer and fiddled trying for something different. I wasn't after natural.
    Ah! That explains it. Can't help with B&W as I am as dumb as a post in that area!

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