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Thread: Any Dangerous Path Photos ?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Any Dangerous Path Photos ?

    With summer approaching in the northern latitudes and people starting to do some serious walking, I just wonder how many others have doubts about the safety of the path ahead.

    I know that I sometimes think afterwards, 'that wasn't wise with all this camera equipment on my back'. But I keep doing it.

    Here is a quick snap of one path I encountered last week.

    Any Dangerous Path Photos ?

    So does anyone else have some interesting path photos/tales?

    ps. I originally just took a quick snap of this scene without any intention of creating a keeper; but then had second thoughts.

    The road is a narrow single track lane with high hedges so I didn't have any other camera angle options. Canon 24-105 at 24.

    I produced a brighter 'sunny look' image but when I showed it, and the original, to the 'professional critics' in my local pub and asked for opinions they all preferred the original dark shot.

    So I have played around with it a few times to create a mixture of highlight and shadow areas. It still isn't perfect, and probably a long way off that desired outcome, but I have to move on to other things so it will stay this way for now.

  2. #2
    FrankMi's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Fort Mill, South Carolina, USA
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    Frank Miller

    Re: Any Dangerous Path Photos ?

    Do you mean sort of like the path to the Free Lunch at Hua Mountain in China?

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