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Thread: Leveling Camera

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Leveling Camera

    Following recent discussion on using tilt shift lenses could I suggest using a small electronic level. Cost about £25, or £45 if it works in two dimensions. I find these small levels much easier to use than the small hotshoe levels or the buikt in camera levels.
    They are much easier to see and read and very accurate. You can even get ones to show a digital bubble from the side rather than the problem with traditional bubbles of having to look down which limits height when using a tripod. Look at digital levels on Amazon.

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Leveling Camera

    I found the crude built-in level in my 5D IV to be hard to use, but the built in level in the EVF of my R6 II is very easy to use. It's easier to implement with an EVF, I think, and even my old LX-100 has a good one. then again, I've never tried with a tilt-shift lens

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Odd Skjæveland

    Re: Leveling Camera

    Quote Originally Posted by loosecanon View Post
    ...using tilt shift lenses could I suggest using a small electronic level.
    I like the "Depth of Field" Lumariver phone app for tilt and shift, see It has a useful leveling function for T&S use, but I have my camera on a tripod.


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