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Thread: Members - Point us to your website here!

  1. #21
    Doughboy's Avatar
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    Re: Members - Point us to your website here!

    Quote Originally Posted by JK6065 View Post
    Just sorting out and editing about 1400 photo's
    Don't you just love the editing part. I had a painful time just doing 200 to get my website updated. Will be more to do, but its what we enjoy right.


  2. #22
    Steaphany's Avatar
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    Re: Members - Point us to your website here!

  3. #23

    Re: Members - Point us to your website here!

    I will add mine, but my work is not nearly as good as most that I have seen here so far.

    If you do visit, I would love for you to leave me a comment. I can't even get my family to. sigh.

  4. #24
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    Re: Members - Point us to your website here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Susan View Post
    I will add mine, but my work is not nearly as good as most that I have seen here so far.

    You have some very nice photos on there, and a good start on the HDR shots, I am just getting into that as well. You have a lot of potential, this coming from someone who is not a pro (yet). Keep at it, and suck in all the advice you can handle from the people in this forum.


  5. #25

    Re: Members - Point us to your website here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Doughboy View Post
    You have some very nice photos on there, and a good start on the HDR shots, I am just getting into that as well. You have a lot of potential, this coming from someone who is not a pro (yet). Keep at it, and suck in all the advice you can handle from the people in this forum.

    DB - thanks for taking the time to visit, the kind words and advice! I really like your panoramas and mushroom shots!

  6. #26
    John C's Avatar
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    Re: Members - Point us to your website here!

    Here is the link to my site.
    I have been gradually processing and posting photos from my trip to Colorado in June. I still have one more set to post.

  7. #27
    Doughboy's Avatar
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    Re: Members - Point us to your website here!

    Just want to let everyone know, my website has finally been updated with my good pictures.

    Check em out

  8. #28
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Members - Point us to your website here!

    I use the fotki co-branded site service, I have got a proper website but it has little to do with photography.

  9. #29
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: This is my site (and I'm quite fond of it in a sort of warm cuddly way)

    Well ................

    It was only on the last few days that I put up a thread announcing that I had launched myself into the murky world of website-owning. Boy, has it been a learning curve!

    It's all at

    I'd been envious of those who had sites that displayed their images wonderfully on-line. For me, it's really an indulgence. I'm not trying to sell work, I'm just trying to show it as well as possible in its electronic format.

    I wasn't quite stupid enough (or was I?) to think that I would just pay my money and upload images. I knew there would be a bit of work involved in organising and arranging; i.e. creating the look and style of the thing. But as I got more and more into it over a period of days in the last couple of weeks, I got more enthusiastic and excited about possibly being able to build something that really reflected me and what I was trying to create.

    That's when I started swearing and telling myself that this was a stupid idea and that I'd wasted good money that could've gone towards another GND filter. But riding over the hill to my rescue (particularly from the direction of Wales) came those nice people from CiC. They held my hand, wiped away my tears and gently walked me through the darkness that is html, javascript, CSS, etc.

    So, it's there for you to have a look at. I'd to love read your reactions, especially ideas about how it could be improved. And thankyou to those who have already visited and who have left comments on the site. It's all hosted by Smugmug. I've been very happy with what they provide.
    Last edited by Donald; 7th October 2010 at 12:38 PM. Reason: Typos

  10. #30
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    Re: This is my site (and I'm quite fond of it in a sort of warm cuddly way)

    Hi you have such great web sites very inspiring, as is this site.

    As a newbie in the world of photography your comments to others have been very helpful and I have become an avid follower. I only have a flickr site so here goes.......

    I work full-time in image capture industry, mostly TV and news networks, am studying horticulture part-time, photography is a means of escape, oh... to be as good as you guy's.

    Flickr :

  11. #31
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: This is my site (and I'm quite fond of it in a sort of warm cuddly way)


    The 'Cambridge Fireworks' gallery is a beauty. And I'm assuming that is Perth, Australia rather than Perth, Scotland (because it's not raining).

    Thank you for your comments. But, most of all, thank you for posting your information. You have shown everyone that you can expose your work to others ... and survive.

  12. #32
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: This is my site (and I'm quite fond of it in a sort of warm cuddly way)

    I have a website that is a total embarrassment; I gave up with it years ago after finding that Javascript is different to JScript, and Object Oriented Programming is awfully difficult without the use of a compiler or comprehensive list of specifications, without actually struggling with things like Has-Layout, and Closure meaning something completely different to me, and another and, finding browsers all seem to work differently and Internet Explorer needs an MSc in computing to understand.

    As many know I'm a complete nut who was run over a long time ago causing a brain injury and lacking the basic skills to undertake such a project found it increasingly difficult to explain what I mean and understand it even myself. I must point out there is nothing in it that is actually hard.

    My crowning glory was writing a program which could actually be made good, but then illustrate it with a silly ET bike which doesn't even work in IE and nothing works in the latest version of Opera.

    The xhtml strict document type is a bit of a joke although I was surprised to find not many web designers can actually write to this standard, it is however a con because xhtml strict is supposed to do away with images in tables, I could put it right but I'm not going to.

    So why am I even pointing anyone in this general direction; well others round here have got their own websites and it illustrates why I gave it up to take up photography. cheers

    By the way I'm not answering any technical questions about it, it was done from memory since I can't deduce things like that anymore, and I see Wikipedia have got it all covered. By the way it isn't photographic.

  13. #33
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    Re: This is my site (and I'm quite fond of it in a sort of warm cuddly way)

    Thank you, I love the fireworks and the reward you get in an explosive colour.

    Yes it is Perth WA, my sister and family emigrated 3 years ago so it is my regular holiday destination, wonderful place and they are thriving there. My brother s in Christchurch NZ, looking forward to an excuse to sample the wonderful landscape in NZ

  14. #34

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    Re: This is my site (and I'm quite fond of it in a sort of warm cuddly way)

    I may be a bit paranoid but I tend to think that having a personal website is sticking your head above the parapet and shooting 'Come and get me' to all the virus creating nerds.

    But I do have photos on P base where I feel safer.

    It isn't just for my very best photos, which would be a bit thin, but also includes second rate images that needed linking to other sites (such as wildlife identification) and 'records' of local events etc.

    I use one of the preset display options. Once, I did try to customise the layout but just became totally lost and confused. That, however, isn't difficult to achieve.

  15. #35
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: This is my site (and I'm quite fond of it in a sort of warm cuddly way)

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Quick run-through only, but ...

    The Vintage Machinery Show Galleries (2009 and 2010) are what caught my attention. IMG_6329 in the 2010 gallery gives us wonderful record of these magnificent machines in action.

  16. #36
    timo2's Avatar
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    Re: This is my site (and I'm quite fond of it in a sort of warm cuddly way)

    My site is a work in progress and primarily a means to promote my photo business.

  17. #37
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: This is my site (and I'm quite fond of it in a sort of warm cuddly way)

    Quote Originally Posted by timo2 View Post
    My site is a work in progress and primarily a means to promote my photo business.
    Cor I like the 360 stuff.

  18. #38
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: This is my site (and I'm quite fond of it in a sort of warm cuddly way)

    I enjoy using Smugmug because "I can use it!". It is the easiest (IMO) site in which to upload images. The uploading process is simple and quite fast. Smugmug can be individualized in many ways but, I just use the stock configurations. Which suite me just fine...

    I also like being able to just tell folks, "Do a Google search for Smugmug and RPCrowe!"

  19. #39
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: This is my site (and I'm quite fond of it in a sort of warm cuddly way)

    Here is my very rushed and neglected site. I haven't even found the time or energy to properly marry up my domain and hosting service .... but one day.
    I use Zenfolio and must say that I have found it very easy to use and quite flexible, so any shortcomings are down to me. Now when I retire .... !!

  20. #40

    Re: This is my site (and I'm quite fond of it in a sort of warm cuddly way)

    Also helped by the Wonder that is Welsh (Llewellyn the Great). I will post mine again. Still not reduced my pics down but I take no responsibility for wounds to forehead when it hits your keyboard from drowsiness. I expect Steve's Maths will start to appeal after the first couple of galleries I still have a lot of chintzy, net curtainy stuff in some areas which has to go. I was going to fill it with fluffy seas and shiny rocks just to get the viewing stats up but that would be like selling your soul to the bargain basement of an IKEA store...To wander in an eternity of sudo-stylish young couples with a tricky space to fill above the black leather sofa and a Alpha Romeo sport wagon with a big roof rack. Actually I think the trendy young things have moved on to Fiat 500s and zebra print sofas but the space above the sofa will still require a fluffy sea and a scattering of shiny rocks.

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