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Thread: I'm Struggling Here

  1. #21
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    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    Nice pics of the kites!
    Oh the beach, whatever your eyes are attracted too, could be a photo shoot opportunity.
    Volley ball games, kid's sand castles, wildlife [ birds, sea critters, etc] people walking, anything under the sun could be the opportunity you've been waiting for.

    Don't be afraid of having your camera taken away, almost everyone on the beach carries a camera..

  2. #22

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    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    Quote Originally Posted by Framedon View Post
    Nice pics of the kites!
    Oh the beach, whatever your eyes are attracted too, could be a photo shoot opportunity.
    Volley ball games, kid's sand castles, wildlife [ birds, sea critters, etc] people walking, anything under the sun could be the opportunity you've been waiting for.

    Don't be afraid of having your camera taken away, almost everyone on the beach carries a camera..
    Thanks, Don.

  3. #23
    rob marshall

    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    I'm Struggling Here
    Oh, stop whimping and whingeing! We are all struggling. The whole of life is a struggle, a colossal bore, a long series of tedious non-events. We are all non-entities in the cosmic vastness. But to answer your point: perhaps a visit to Wales is called for? I can escort you (steady...) around the urban delights, the lows (there aren't any highs) the degradation of a country gone to waste (that will be Port Talbot). I can guide you to the best (I mean worst) photographic spots. Girl, you just live in too nice a place for your own photographic good! Get on a plane today. Don't pack, just do it.

    Doesn't that make you feel better?

    Geez... I forgot to add something...

  4. #24

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    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    Quote Originally Posted by rob marshall View Post
    Oh, stop whimping and whingeing! We are all struggling. The whole of life is a struggle, a colossal bore, a long series of tedious non-events. We are all non-entities in the cosmic vastness. But to answer your point: perhaps a visit to Wales is called for? I can escort you (steady...) around the urban delights, the lows (there aren't any highs) the degradation of a country gone to waste (that will be Port Talbot). I can guide you to the best (I mean worst) photographic spots. Girl, You just live in too nice a place for your own photographic good! Get on a plane today. Don't pack, just do it.

    Doesn't that make you feel better?
    Ummmm... I'm not sure. I haven't quite figured out how to read you, Rob. But, you are right. I do live in too nice of a place. I look around and see so much and don't know what to focus on. No packing? Wear the same thing day after day?

  5. #25
    rob marshall

    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    Quote Originally Posted by ilovelucydog View Post
    Ummmm... I'm not sure. I haven't quite figured out how to read you, Rob.
    Well, if you do work it out perhaps you could let my wife know.

  6. #26

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    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    Quote Originally Posted by rob marshall View Post
    Well, if you do work it out perhaps you could let my wife know.
    I will. But first, who's your wife?

  7. #27
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    Well, I'm late to this party... but for what it is worth...

    First, Mary, ease up on yourself. I - like almost everyone else here - really liked the kite photo. Think of the things you did right with this one...

    • Nailed a very tough exposure with the bright sky
    • Isolated and captured an interesting subject that allows for plenty of visual exploration (examining each kite and the balances of colors) without distraction
    • Provided a visually appealing composition with the diagonal line as well as the combined vertical gradient of the sky
    • And this is a big one... you took something that was causing you to struggle the other day (the wind) and managed to make it an ally in your photo... you didn't let it cause you to leave the camera at home.

    So I think you can gather up everyone's suggestions/comments above (yeah - even Rob's... since as I just pointed out, he's right - you really have no reason to be crying the blues about your photo) and just get back out there and keep shooting.

    And as to throwing away photos and percentage of keepers (since that has been a running sub-thread here) - who knows how many throw-aways Rembrandt or Michelangelo had... heck - just think about how many versions of the Mona Lisa da Vinci made. We know of several just on the canvas we have. I'm not saying that we're all producing the Sistine Chapel with every click of the shutter, but that you need to remember that even the masters had throw-aways.

    - Bill

  8. #28
    djg05478's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    ....thats cause you're trying to take your photographs to the next level...keep at it. Work your way through the dip. Yup its uncomfortable. So you recognize its uncomfortable when you try your best and it doesn't seem to be enough, but its just a phase. Keep pushing
    I ♥ colorful kites on blue sky.

  9. #29

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    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    Thanks, Debbie.

  10. #30
    rob marshall

    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    Quote Originally Posted by ktuli View Post
    ... who knows how many throw-aways Rembrandt or Michelangelo had...
    Well, the former probably had a couple of voluptuous ladies, and the latter had a fine collection of slim-hipped boys. Decisions, decisions...

  11. #31
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    Quote Originally Posted by ilovelucydog View Post
    So... we live 3 houses from the beach, there's a boardwalk that goes for a couple of miles in front of hotels, restaurants, street vendors, we've got the beach, the ocean the fishing pier, beach houses... and I can't seem to compose anything... nuthin'.

    Today was a kite festival. I thought it would be a great opportunity. I take about 100 images and get... not much worth getting. Nothing's clicking. What do you focus on with all the stuff going on? I wanted to capture kites because I thought it sounded 'happy' and I'm on a quest for happy.

    Be gentle... I cry a lot these days as well.
    We all get into what I might call "mood ruts" - nothing seems to work - nothing is worth the effort to shoot. I'm in one right now.

    But, it seems that you're not doing as badly as you think - I really like your kites.

    I shouldn't be the one giving you advice, but based on what you've shown here you're on your way.

    On the beach? Shoot ripples in the sand when the tide is out - shoot the tracks that little creatures leave in the sand - shoot the little patterns that result in the water when a wave washes out (get low down and close). Shoot children frolicking in the water or making sand castles. Shoot anything and everything - including the boardwalk (up close).


  12. #32

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    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    Thank you, Glenn.

  13. #33
    Sam Smith's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Why don't we all have a "go take a photo of something interesting in our little part of the world and post it here" day? Only rule is it isn't allowed to be a "trophy" shot!

    Who's up for it?
    You can count me in.

  14. #34

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    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    My apologies for coming across as whining, griping and overall feeling sorry for myself. Clearly my communication skills are lacking in on-line conversing. I know that I am blessed and could be living in much worse circumstances. Yes, everybody struggles.

  15. #35
    rob marshall

    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    Quote Originally Posted by ilovelucydog View Post
    My apologies for coming across as whining, griping and overall feeling sorry for myself. Clearly my communication skills are lacking in on-line conversing. I know that I am blessed and could be living in much worse circumstances. Yes, everybody struggles.
    To be serious for a minute... and answer your question. I find that staleness comes from routine activity and thinking. The way to get out of any rut you may find yourself in (like what to shoot) is either to take a complete break from things for a short while, or, to engage in some activity that forces a reboot of your brain. Like I said earlier - what you need is a visit to Wales!

  16. #36
    Sam Smith's Avatar
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    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    Mary, I lived in VA. Beach for for a while when I was in the Navy. ( total 13 years there). is a very good site to see what there is there to do. Within 5 miles of you assuming you live off Shore Drive is a lighthouse, aquarium and nature park, a bridge tunnel, and allot of tourist sites. NO they will not take your camera way as most people have one there already. Hope to see photo's from the Neptune Festival.
    Remember this a hobby and relaxing time.

  17. #37

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    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Smith View Post
    Mary, I lived in VA. Beach for for a while when I was in the Navy. ( total 13 years there). is a very good site to see what there is there to do. Within 5 miles of you assuming you live off Shore Drive is a lighthouse, aquarium and nature park, a bridge tunnel, and allot of tourist sites. NO they will not take your camera way as most people have one there already. Hope to see photo's from the Neptune Festival.
    Remember this a hobby and relaxing time.
    Thanks, Sam. We are between Atlantic and the ocean on the outskirts of the hotels on the boardwalk. We'll be moving to Southside St... just off of Gen Booth and not far at all from the Aquarium. It looks like a fun place to live, to be sure.

  18. #38

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    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    Quote Originally Posted by rob marshall View Post
    To be serious for a minute... and answer your question. I find that staleness comes from routine activity and thinking. The way to get out of any rut you may find yourself in (like what to shoot) is either to take a complete break from things for a short while, or, to engage in some activity that forces a reboot of your brain. Like I said earlier - what you need is a visit to Wales!
    Thanks, Rob. Overall I'm just having a tough time with a lot of things and I guess it's coming across as whining. I should just take a break... If I could go to Wales I would...

  19. #39

    Re: I'm Struggling Here

    what you need is a visit to Wales!
    Did that today Rob...and no trophy shots. We visited Bodnant Gardens (just over an hour from where we live). I actually just found myself enjoying the place and my heart was not in the photography so I just took snaps. As Colin has said above the joy can be in just shooting away. I went one further today and found myself wishing I hadn't lugged the camera around at all....must remember to get one of those little pink G-string thingies that you have.

    Mary you have my full sympathy. I went out today telling myself I had to get good shots.....silly to put ones self under pressure and I was absolutely guaranteed to fail. I also broke my cardinal rule again and went out hunting shots. It winds me up no end and I really should stop doing it. When I found myself eyeing the Pin Mill and Italianate canal in the way that it has been photographed a million times by Geoff from Milton-Keynes I gave up and put my camera on the back burner.

  20. #40
    whited3's Avatar
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    Stages of photography

    Mary, maybe this will help you (nor not) clarify things.

    I'm the "dammit I suck" stage.

    I'm Struggling Here

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