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Thread: 1st try on "proper" B&W conversion

  1. #1

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    1st try on "proper" B&W conversion

    im not really sure how i got the glow around my lady friend, but nonetheless, im content with the general outcome

    1st try on "proper" B&W conversion

  2. #2
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    Re: 1st try on "proper" B&W conversion

    I don't know either but it's a great effect. There seems to be two light sources, one slightly behind but high above her and one perpendicular to her coming from behind. It's an interesting city scape and in my opinion you have used the lighting to good effect to create an atmosphere of a lady alone on a deserted street late at night. I could easily see this picture on the cover of a murder mystery novel. I like what you've done here and hope to see more of your work.

  3. #3

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    Re: 1st try on "proper" B&W conversion


    did you use local contrast enhancement (or unsharp mask with high radius and low amount)? For me, that tends to give that kind of light halos around dark objects (it is visible at a few other spots as well).

    That said, it makes for a very nice picture


  4. #4
    pono's Avatar
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    Re: 1st try on "proper" B&W conversion

    I really like the setting, and how she's standing kind of makes her look like she's cold, and in a sketchy place. Good shot.

    I have a sunset shot that kind of has the effect of the glow. It might have been the salt in the air though because the waves were up that day. I'm gonna go back and try to adjust the USM, see if that helps.

  5. #5

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    Re: 1st try on "proper" B&W conversion

    thanks for the input guys
    I must have done a whole bunch of different edits on this since i cant find the RAW file anywhere
    Im sure ive used the high pass filter on it, but probably used it the wrong way.
    I also never save the PSD file so i cant back track on what ive actually done.

    the story behind this is my lady friend and I were suposed to be going in to a Halloween rave in downtown Toronto (yes I seem to go to a lot of night clubs...and yes im actually quite young still)
    Anyway, as we were in the line up, pulling out my wallet to show the bouncer my ID, I realized I got pick pocketed
    we ended up just roaming the downtown streets looking for a place to stay.

    heres what i converted it from
    1st try on "proper" B&W conversion

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