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Thread: old mamiya 500dtl

  1. #1
    Bootsy's Avatar
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    old mamiya 500dtl

    anyone know anything about mamiya 500dtl.i've used a few rolls of film in it with no problems.after finishing up a roll today the wider handle doesn't feel like its attach to the anything inside.i poped the back off as normal and the film hadn't roll i've pretty much screwed film i know.but i did close the there anything i can do before i pull it i know little about 35mm film or slr's.i would be grateful for any help
    sorry if i've posted this in the wrong plce

  2. #2

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: old mamiya 500dtl

    I'm probably of little help - but am just wondering if it's a permanent thing, or just a one-off where the sprockets didn't engage properly with the film? (Or the film wasn't properly inserted in a guide?)

    All I can suggest is do a bit more testing to see if you get a better understanding of what's happening - afterall it's just mechanical isn't it?


  3. #3
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: old mamiya 500dtl

    I had this happen to me a few times in the old film days both with 35mm and 6x4.5 cameras. Invariably despite my concerns over the cameras at the time, rushed human intervention often was the root cause.

    If you have screwed up a film, why not run that through again as a dummy to check the mechanism and cogs/sprockets are all working correctly, before trying it again with another fresh film. Then give it a go with a live film but purely as a test.

    Make sure that there is no button that disables/disengages the winding mechanism as there is on many cameras of this era.

    Let us know if it resolves itself?

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