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Thread: Canon vs. Nikon entry level DSLR cameras...

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    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Canon vs. Nikon entry level DSLR cameras...

    Am I corrrect in assuming that Nikon D40 (and possibly D40x and D60 cameras) do not have AEB burst capability?

    I belong to a Dog forum which specializes in Goldendoodles and Labradoodles ( ). This forum has started a photography group which is quite enjoyable. Most of the members are not dedicated photographers and most of them are either using P&S cameras or entry level DSLR cameras. The group members just want to learn how to use their cameras better with a desire to shoot good pictures of their dogs. As a member with ( I hope ) more photo expertise, I have often used online manuals for other brand cameras to help answer questions. BTW, I am a Canon shooter...

    Recently, a member posted a query regarding how to shoot AEB bursts with her Nikon D40 camera. I just assumed that Nikon had that capability, but I looked at the online manual and some Nikon forums and apparently AEB is one of the features that Nikon decided to eliminate in the D40, D40x and D60 cameras. That really surprised me since I do not consider AEB as an "advanced" feature. In fact many P&S cameras have AEB burst capability and I would think that AEB could benefit the non experienced photographer even more than the experienced shutterbug.
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 28th October 2010 at 03:06 PM.

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