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Thread: Photo Editor For My Chromebook

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Photo Editor For My Chromebook

    Sure, I use Photoshop (CS6 and CC) for editing my photos on my desktop computer with which I edit the vast majrity of my files. However, I want an editor for my Samsung Chromebook which will allow me to download JPEG images from my CF Card via a card reader (My card reader and my Chromebook both have USB-3 connectons) and to do some very minimal adjustments (leveling horizon, slight cropping and possibly some darken-brightening) then to either export these images to a memory stick or small external hard drive or email the images.

    I have been doing some basic research and have come up with this free photo editor:

    This editor interests me because it seems to have the capability to function with raw CR2 files. I don't really need to open these files because I can shoot in JPEG + RAW when I have a need for fast processing with my Chromebook.

    I would, however, enjoy being able to transfer RAW files from my CF Cards to a memory stick or especially a small "smartphone-size" external hard drive. That way I could arry the small. lightweight, Chromebook while on trips and use it to transfer my RAW images. I could view these images via the JPEG copy.

    The Polarr seems quite nice and the free price is also atractive. However, if I could find a program which is set up more like Photoshop; that would be a LOT EASIER to wrap my old brain around.

    OR... Would I be better served by purchasing this Dell Notebook Computer (at $209.99) and then loading my copy of Photoshop CS6 (I am getting Photoshop CC for my new desktop computer)

    I have deactivated CS6 from my old desktop which leaves open the possibility of adding that program on he Notebook. The advantage of this solution should be a bit more speed in transfer and the fact that I will be able t handle RAW files with no problem and that I al already fairly proficent in using CS6...

    Dell Mini Laptop E4300 installed with Windows 10 Home 64bit. Intel Core 2 Duo 2.26GHz processor with 6GB DDR3 RAM and a 128GB solid state hard drive. It includes a 13.3" Display, Webcam, AC Adapter, Charger, and battery. The Latitude E4300 also includes 802.11g wireless WiFi, DVDRW drive, Two USB 2.0 ports, VGA out, speaker and headphone ports, firewire, SD Card Reader, eSATA, 10/100/1000 ethernet, weighs 3.3 pounds, and 90 day warranty.

    The 6GB of RAM plus 128GB SSD should be adequate for my needs since I don't foresee doing any complicated editing...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 27th August 2016 at 06:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Photo Editor For My Chromebook

    I see some Chromebooks have a micro SD slot, if you could transfer from the CF to one of the adapter SD cards you could transfer RAW to the Chromebook.

  3. #3

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    Re: Photo Editor For My Chromebook

    Hi, If you have P/S CC does lightroom not come included? I didn't go the CC route from CS6 but have Lightroom 6 and I beleive you can have lightroom installed on two computers (maybe wrong)

  4. #4
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: Photo Editor For My Chromebook

    Useless information to you, but they're trying to come up with a solution. However, the last anyone (gizmodo, forbes) reported on this was around 2014, and the Google blog announcement has disappeared.

  5. #5
    tao2's Avatar
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    Robert (ah prefer Boab) Smith

    Re: Photo Editor For My Chromebook

    Hi Richard,

    There is an alternative...Portable

    Been using this for several years now. It's especially useful in net cafes or airports/hotels etc (using their supplied PCs) . Ah use mine on a 64gb memory stick, plugging intae a PC. Ye can then surf, check emails etc and when ye remove it there's no traces left on the host PC, as everything is contained in the stick.

    If ye have a 64/128gb mem stick (so cheap now), it'll act as extra storage for yer Chromebook, allowing ye tae add image editors/viewers etc - amongst a host of other features. It'd be worth downloading Portable Apps ontae an old memory stick tae see if it suits yer needs. As ah said above, ye use the Chromebook tae power the apps on the stick-they remain on the stick and when yev done the simple post processing, ye then just unplug the mem stick, plug it intae yer home PC/laptop and transfer/drag n' drop the image files.

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Photo Editor For My Chromebook

    Great Idea Boab... I will try this today! Thank you!

  7. #7

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    Re: Photo Editor For My Chromebook

    I use a Surface Pro, download to it from camera, then upload to two external hard drives. One for jpeg, one for raw.

    On the Surface Pro, with Windows Photo viewer, I am able to do most basic editing of light (brightness, contrast, highlights, and shadows), colour (temperature, tint, saturation, colour enhance), cropping, straightening, red eye, removal, vignetting, etc. Can't view raw, but use the same downloading method.

    I used it for a recent trip to Canada and Iceland, ending up with about 4000 images, including jpeg and raw and wife's photos. I am now using Lightfoot cc to edit the better photos from raw.

    The following was levelled, cropped, altered exposure, highlights and shadows changed etc

    Photo Editor For My Chromebook
    Last edited by Ken MT; 29th August 2016 at 03:14 AM. Reason: add photo

  8. #8
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    Re: Photo Editor For My Chromebook

    Hi Richard, My understanding is Chromebooks are great if you use only web based applications. As such you may wish to check out FotoR (, and Pixlr ( - they both provide excellent web based photo editing applications.

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