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Thread: Old Country Store (then and now)

  1. #21
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    Excellent pair of images.....clean and clear

  2. #22
    Digital's Avatar
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    Thank you Dave, and Nandakumar for viewing, and commenting. Mike, I always do a "great" job of arguing against my own theories. It is more fun that way.

    Today, I heard that the store was opened in the 30's or 40's (depending on who you talked to). Apparently a man named Caldwell owned the store, and it was operational until 1972. He then went to work for someone else after the store was closed.
    He is now deceased. An elderly source (who I play pool with) told me that Caldwell's son married his first cousin- they are both now deceased. I had another source tell me that the Caldwell family lives in Bremen, Ga. - a town about 12 miles from Carrollton.
    Another source told me that the store housed a lawn mower repair store 15 to 20 years ago.
    I need to form some accuracy on the history of this store, and put it all together. As a side note, no one who had "information" about the store could tell me the rationale behind the recent repairs.
    I will keep digging.


  3. #23

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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    Very interesting! Even so, it looks more and more like getting in contact with the current owner is your best option for determining the reason for the recent repairs.

  4. #24
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Very interesting! Even so, it looks more and more like getting in contact with the current owner is your best option for determining the reason for the recent repairs.
    Mike, you are probably correct. I will give my "contact" at the newspaper office a couple of more days. If that outcome is not positive, I will attempt to contact the current owner.
    Thanks so much for your response.


  5. #25
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    I have not heard from my contact at the newspaper, so after the long weekend I am going to do as Mike suggested, and track down the owner. If I can locate him/her I hope to get a cohesive history regarding this building. Have received some additional information regarding the store from various sources; however I am reluctant to share until I can get more accurate verification.
    E.G. several people have told me the store was operational in the early part of the 1970's; however another source told me that the store was not operational in that decade. Also, the decade that the store was opened was either in the 1930's or 40's depending on who you talked to.
    Finally,another source told of a situation where a robbery was attempted at this location, and the robber was shot dead. I have not heard this story from any other source.
    Have learned a few pieces of information that I believe are accurate. Will share them at a later date.

    Going to reshoot the store during the "Golden Hour" later today. Will post the pics once I load them into the computer.


  6. #26
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    The mystery deepens and it is getting exciting...I can't wait for the real facts to emerge, soon I hope...Jack's theory is good too.

  7. #27
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    Izzie, thank you for your kind comments. I will continue to follow this story.


  8. #28

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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    Consider changing your screen name to Sleuth.

  9. #29
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    Quote Originally Posted by Digital View Post
    Finally,another source told of a situation where a robbery was attempted at this location, and the robber was shot dead.
    I'm sure that would have been reported in the local press Bruce, perhaps there's another line of enquiry?

    Might be a challenge though if you don't know when that happened.

    Good luck (from another follower of the puzzle), Dave

  10. #30
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    Dave, supposedly this attempted robbery was in the 70's. If you believe one source that the store had been closed in that decade, then maybe the robber was attempting to rob a store that had been closed. That begs a question of who shot the robber. It is all so confusing.

    Mike, if you read my thread on seeking the photo of a gorilla, it maybe more appropriate to change my screen name to "Idiot".


  11. #31

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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    Quote Originally Posted by Digital View Post
    Mike, if you read my thread on seeking the photo of a gorilla, it maybe more appropriate to change my screen name to "Idiot".
    Yes, I did read that thread. However, due to an experience I am having with American Airlines, the term idiot is already taken. I've yet to talk with an American Airlines representative, especially in their so-called customer service department, that doesn't deserve that moniker. I doubt that they know how to spell the word, service, and I'm absolutely positive they have no idea how to provide service.

  12. #32
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Yes, I did read that thread. However, due to an experience I am having with American Airlines, the term idiot is already taken. I've yet to talk with an American Airlines representative, especially in their so-called customer service department, that doesn't deserve that moniker. I doubt that they know how to spell the word, service, and I'm absolutely positive they have no idea how to provide service.
    Mike, is the term "moron" taken? If not, I will use that as my screen name.
    I am sorry about your experience with American Airlines. I have not flown in years, and when I did fly I used Delta. In this day, and time they may not be much better.


  13. #33
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    As promised, here is a photo of the store taken at the "Golden Hour". There has been no changes to the structure since a week ago. However, I noticed an old structure behind this store that I never noticed before. This is another item I need to check out.
    Also, I am going to contact the Carroll Co. Historical Society to see what they know about this store.


    Old Country Store (then and now)

  14. #34
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    As this story unfolds, my mind keeps going to that Alfred Hitchcock's opening theme...better, Twilight Zone theme...

  15. #35
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    As this story unfolds, my mind keeps going to that Alfred Hitchcock's opening theme...better, Twilight Zone theme...
    Izzie, I love weird.

  16. #36
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    One of my pool playing buddies today filled me on some information about one of the sons (deceased) of the original owner; however it was what he stated at the end of our conversation that really caught my attention: he gave me the name of a gentlemen who is a related to the family in question. Turns out, I know this elderly gentlemen. He apparently knows the history of this store. I plan to see him tomorrow.


  17. #37
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    It is already tomorrow...any good news yet. You are putting me at the edge of the seat of my pants wanting to know the real story here, Mr. Sleuth...!!

  18. #38
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    It is already tomorrow...any good news yet. You are putting me at the edge of the seat of my pants wanting to know the real story here, Mr. Sleuth...!!
    My you're impatient Izzie,

    Give poor Bruce a chance, it is less than 8 hours since he said 'tomorrow'

  19. #39
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    Izzie, thank you for following this thread, and commenting.

    Dave, thank you also for following this thread, as well as your comments.

    Unfortunately, I was not able to meet with this gentlemen today as I hoped. Rest assured when I do meet with this person, I plan to get the whole story of this store. By some chance he is unable to provide me the details regarding the history of this structure as well as the purpose behind the recent renovations, I will continue on this story.
    Carrollton is a small community, and I am surprised that it has taken me so long to get the "whole" story of this building. The structure is not far outside the city limits of Carrollton. I have been able to get some information that is consistent; however a lot of it is not (e.g. no one has been able to tell me when it actually started business or for that matter when it went out of business).
    I want to give CiC readers the facts, not stories that contradict one another.
    Thanks for your patience, except for Izzie, who is not.

    Bruce (Mr. Sleuth)
    Last edited by Digital; 6th July 2016 at 11:51 PM.

  20. #40
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Old Country Store (then and now)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    My you're impatient Izzie,

    Give poor Bruce a chance, it is less than 8 hours since he said 'tomorrow'
    OK...I will be patient...You got 2 hours today, Bruce, OK? Mr. Sleuth. We need answers. ha!

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