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Thread: "School of Portraiture" - Lesson 03 - "Positioning - Lighting - Taking the Shot"

  1. #141

    Join Date
    Sep 2010
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    Re: "School of Portraiture" - Lesson 03 - "Positioning - Lighting - Taking the Shot"

    @colin - I know you are a busy person so thanks for the photoshop work. Can you explain some of the 'workflow' that you applied or is that going to be fodder for another lesson (or trade secrets)?

    @carloe - Use one of the free online services that will allow you upload large image files then post the 'img' mark up to be viewable. e.g. photobucket dot com, etc.

    PS Not that I'm into Photoshop and all that but I can see what a little touching up on the eyes and skin can do. Do you have a favorite Photoshop book that you can recommend?


  2. #142

    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    New Zealand
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    Have a guess :)

    Re: "School of Portraiture" - Lesson 03 - "Positioning - Lighting - Taking the Shot"

    Lesson 4 continues here.

    I'm closing off the earlier lessons now so that we don't have too many to keep an eye on all at once ... you'll always be able to join in on the latest lesson (and we hope that you do!).

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