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Thread: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

  1. #1
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Chloe was one month old on the day I shot these.

    In this series, I spot healed skin flakes, blotches, etc. that marred shots from the previous sessions:
    Baby pics 1 - a learning experience begins and Baby pics 2 - the learning continues

    1. Chloe 'in hand'
    Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 105mm, f/2.8 Macro lens at f/3.2, 1/60s, iso 500, +1/3 EC, Aperture Priority and Auto-ISO (411-12793)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 1,318px × 950px (recommended)

    After struggling with lack of light and hence Depth of Field in previous sessions, I decided to try an old manual flash I'd been given. I bounced this off the ceiling to avoid harsh shadows (not to mention the blinding flash). Flash, other than using on-camera and on Auto (i-TTL), is something I haven't done since my film shooting days, so this was another learning experience. Given it was used manual only, fired via PC cord, the camera's EXIF data (as seen on PBase) doesn't recognise its use.

    2. Daddies little girl
    Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 35mm, f/1.8 lens at f/8, 1/250s, iso 400, Manual mode with (Manual) Flash (411-12813)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 1,226px × 950px (recommended)

    For the record; that is a pale blue wall behind them

    3. Doting parents
    Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 35mm, f/1.8 lens at f/8, 1/250s, iso 400, Manual mode with (Manual) Flash (411-12818)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 1,256px × 950px (recommended)

    Not sure about the crop here, should I take a bit off the lower edge to lose Tom's hands?

    4. Meet the family
    Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 35mm, f/1.8 lens at f/11, 1/250s, iso 400, Manual mode with (Manual) Flash (411-12824)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 1,163px × 950px (recommended)

    Is this crop OK?

    5. Daddies kiss
    Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 35mm, f/1.8 lens at f/13, 1/250s, iso 400, Manual mode with (Manual) Flash (411-12839)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 845px × 950px (recommended)

    I should have spotted that fold of dress material blow Tom's hand because I think it looks odd, come to that; I guess hiding the fitness band would have been better too.

    6. Am I cute, or what?
    Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 105mm, f/2.8 Macro lens at f/8, 1/250s, iso 400, Manual mode with (Manual) Flash (411-12867)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 1,335px × 950px (recommended)

    I'm not sure about the wrists in this one - I didn't have her hands, but conversely, I couldn't really crop tighter across the bottom top exclude them without throwing the whole composition off.

    7. I am not asleep
    Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 105mm, f/2.8 Macro lens at f/11, 1/250s, iso 400, Manual mode with (Manual) Flash (411-12913)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 1,425px × 950px (recommended)

    8. Asleep on Mum
    Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 105mm, f/2.8 Macro lens at f/13, 1/200s, iso 400, Manual mode with (Manual) Flash (411-12941)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 1,425px × 950px (recommended)

    If I could change one thing here, it would be to reduce/remove the folds of sheet converging above Rebecca's shoulder.

    Comments and critique will be gratefully received - just bear in mind I can be a slow learner at times

    Lesson to self for next time - shoot the darn Whi-Bal card, it does no good in the bottom of the camera bag!
    Almost all the Flash shots were set to ACR's 'Flash' white balance preset, although the ceiling is white, with blue walls and other colours in the room, I needed to be consistent in this series and Auto (either the Camera's 'As Shot' option, or ACR's 'Auto', gave too unpredictable results. I think the skin tones are acceptable.

    The other lesson learnt was that with one less person on hand, we needed a stand for the reflector in the available light shots - most of which never got processed.

    For anyone really interested, there are several more from this session in the album on PBase, starting from D71-2747.

    Thanks for looking, Dave (and Rebecca)

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    This is not my 'thing' as you know, so beyond saying that it has been a pleasure to view such lovely images, I won't offer the critique that portraitists on here will be able to provide.

    However I did note, with approval, your subtle message on Facebook that pictures should be properly attributed!!

  3. #3

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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash


    I can't offer any advice or critique except to say this is a wonderful set sure to warm the hearts of anyone who views them.
    Terrific job.


  4. #4

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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Am I cute, or what?
    It's really sad to see that at only one month old, Chloe already has you wrapped around her finger. You are so naive that you don't realize she is saying to you, "Just wait until I'm a teenager!"

    Looks like you're having lots of fun and doing an admirable job, Dave. Such a good looking family!

  5. #5

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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Awwwwww, these are all beautiful Dave, What a lovely family. I would not have any critique whatsoever, but (for what it's worth ) have given my opinions on your questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post

    3. Doting parents
    Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 35mm, f/1.8 lens at f/8, 1/250s, iso 400, Manual mode with (Manual) Flash (411-12818)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 1,256px × 950px (recommended)

    Not sure about the crop here, should I take a bit off the lower edge to lose Tom's hands?
    I moved this around to compare, and I think cropping the lower edge to lose the hands would be better. Not something I would have noticed, but seeing as you mentioned it...

    4. Meet the family
    Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 35mm, f/1.8 lens at f/11, 1/250s, iso 400, Manual mode with (Manual) Flash (411-12824)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 1,163px × 950px (recommended)

    Is this crop OK?
    Looks fine to me, but maybe a crop from both sides to remove the wall?

    5. Daddies kiss
    Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 35mm, f/1.8 lens at f/13, 1/250s, iso 400, Manual mode with (Manual) Flash (411-12839)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 845px × 950px (recommended)

    I should have spotted that fold of dress material blow Tom's hand because I think it looks odd, come to that; I guess hiding the fitness band would have been better too.
    To my eye there is not a problem here. I would not have noticed at all unless you had mentioned it. I can only imagine the other details you must have sorted out when taking these. You are very thorough. The fold is not a problem at all, and I see what you mean about the fitness band, but it is part of the dress of this era and in that respect adds context to the shot.

    6. Am I cute, or what?
    Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 105mm, f/2.8 Macro lens at f/8, 1/250s, iso 400, Manual mode with (Manual) Flash (411-12867)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 1,335px × 950px (recommended)

    I'm not sure about the wrists in this one - I didn't have her hands, but conversely, I couldn't really crop tighter across the bottom top exclude them without throwing the whole composition off.
    I think it is perfect the way it is. I had to move this around to see without the wrists, and to my eye it becomes unbalanced, and too close to her face. The way it is now with the head and wrist crop, it is perfect. Very cute too

    8. Asleep on Mum
    Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash
    Nikon D7100 + Nikon 105mm, f/2.8 Macro lens at f/13, 1/200s, iso 400, Manual mode with (Manual) Flash (411-12941)
    Hit Kbd F11 and click image to see at 1,425px × 950px (recommended)

    If I could change one thing here, it would be to reduce/remove the folds of sheet converging above Rebecca's shoulder.
    This is beautiful, and although I see what you mean about the folds, I do not think they are a problem and in fact I'm thinking it's good that everything is not perfectly smooth, it would look too unnatural. How would you get in that position without some folds.

    After struggling with lack of light and hence Depth of Field in previous sessions, I decided to try an old manual flash I'd been given. I bounced this off the ceiling to avoid harsh shadows (not to mention the blinding flash). Flash, other than using on-camera and on Auto (i-TTL), is something I haven't done since my film shooting days, so this was another learning experience. Given it was used manual only, fired via PC cord, the camera's EXIF data (as seen on PBase) doesn't recognise its use.
    Dave, I have an old Vivitar flash, that I would like to be able to try out. Do you know if I could safely use the Vivitar with my D7000 (without damaging the camera), and what is this PC cord I would need to hook it up? It's a Vivatar Zoom Thyristor 285, circa late 70's early 80's (I think)

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash


    Whether your Vivitar 285 is safe with your camera is a chancy situation. The various Vivitar 285 models have different sync voltages. Some of them really up there in the sky, especially the older units...

    A lot also depends on your camera. For instance, Nikon says their digital cameras are safe for up to 250v from flash units. Canon recommends 6v or less for some digital models, while others are said to be safe up to 250v. Older Canon DSLR cameras such as (but not limited to) the 10D and 350D have the 6V maximum. I mention these because I once shot with these models and I am sure of their maximum sync voltages.

    You "could" use a Wein Safe Sync but, actually you can purchase a Yongnuo YN460 for less money than a Wein Safe Sync.

    The YN460 is a manual unit. I would, if possible, invest a bit more money and get a unit with auto capability; although Dave has done just great with a manual unit. TTL flash makes shooting a lot easier and for me, more fun...


    Really nice images! Using a flash (even in manual) allows you to get sharp and decently lit images.

    Sure, the WhiBal card might give you color balance just a little more accurate but, I think that the colors in your shots are just great.

    You "might" tape a small white card to the rear of your flashtube in order to direct a tiny portion of the light forward, filling in the shadows beneath the nose and under the eyebrows.

    I use the Joe Demb Flash Diffuser Pro but, this two U.S. Dollar item would work just fine. I have purchased a couple for our volunteers to use with bounce flash...

    I think though, for up close shooting like this, that a taped small (business size) white card would be all that you need. Later in the tot's development, you will be shooting from a further distance. Then a larger bounce device would come into pay...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 18th March 2016 at 03:11 PM.

  7. #7

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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Beautiful, lovely, super ...

  8. #8

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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post

    Whether your Vivitar 285 is safe with your camera is a chancy situation. The various Vivitar 285 models have different sync voltages. Some of them really up there in the sky, especially the older units...
    Thanks so much Richard. I will not chance using the Vivatar.
    I will check into some of the other units that you mentioned. I don't really get into too many situations where I need or want to use flash but when I saw how Dave's shots turned out using a manual flash, I thought maybe I could put the Vivatar to use.

  9. #9

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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Hi Dave,

    first my congratulations to the 'fresh' parents-grandparents..

    all very nice, and I really can't offer any advice. Being a recent granddad myself, I am still learning, because this is so far from my comfort zone....

    But to be nitpicking, and if it were mine I might be tempted to:
    1°: Chloe in hand: My first idea was to darken a bit the bottom right corner, but on the other hand I would leave it as it is, it kinda balances the image, iff this makes sense.

    6°: Am I cute or what ? darken a bit Chloe's shirt in the left top corner ?? The same in 8.

    All the best

  10. #10
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    These are nicely done images, Dave.

    I'll tag these for reference for the time I will have to think about getting baby shots, although with my daughter and her husband living half way around the world, my opportunities for this type of shooting are going to be somewhat limited.

  11. #11
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Donald, Sergio and Mike,

    Thanks for the kind words - I am indeed a lucky father and granddad.

    Cheers, Dave

  12. #12
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Hi Wendy,

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    I moved this around to compare, and I think cropping the lower edge to lose the hands would be better. Not something I would have noticed, but seeing as you mentioned it...
    Yes, I see what you mean - that is partly why the next one is cropped as it is. (Ref #3)

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    Looks fine to me, but maybe a crop from both sides to remove the wall?
    Hmmm, possibly I was concentrating so much on the bottom edge I didn't see the sides - again, I can see what you mean here. (Ref #4)

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    To my eye there is not a problem here. I would not have noticed at all unless you had mentioned it. I can only imagine the other details you must have sorted out when taking these. You are very thorough. The fold is not a problem at all, and I see what you mean about the fitness band, but it is part of the dress of this era and in that respect adds context to the shot.
    I did spend some time trying to make the most of them, both in shooting (re-shooting until as good as could be) and PP. (Ref. #5)

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    I think it is perfect the way it is. I had to move this around to see without the wrists, and to my eye it becomes unbalanced, and too close to her face. The way it is now with the head and wrist crop, it is perfect. Very cute too
    Thanks, yes I agree (Ref. #6)

    There is one with her hands, but a less cute expression, in the album on PBase.

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    This is beautiful, and although I see what you mean about the folds, I do not think they are a problem and in fact I'm thinking it's good that everything is not perfectly smooth, it would look too unnatural. How would you get in that position without some folds.
    True, it would be difficult (Ref. #9)

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    Dave, I have an old Vivitar flash, that I would like to be able to try out. Do you know if I could safely use the Vivitar with my D7000 (without damaging the camera), and what is this PC cord I would need to hook it up? It's a Vivatar Zoom Thyristor 285, circa late 70's early 80's (I think)
    Yes I have a couple of Vivitars too, but since I had a better 'Digital' Metz flash gun, I chose that, unfortunately the Nikon adaptor for it got lost, so I have to use it manual. Richard's advice is probably wise to follow; better safe than sorry.

    As mentioned, I'm going to invest in a modern flash; possibly a 3rd party 'system' kit with flash guns and radio triggers to allow off camera wireless triggering. That or stick with Nikon and get just one gun (for a lot more money).

    Thank you for taking the time to consider my questions and provide answers.

    All the best, Dave

  13. #13
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Really nice images! Using a flash (even in manual) allows you to get sharp and decently lit images.


    You "might" tape a small white card to the rear of your flashtube in order to direct a tiny portion of the light forward, filling in the shadows beneath the nose and under the eyebrows.

    I use the Joe Demb Flash Diffuser Pro but, this two U.S. Dollar item would work just fine. I have purchased a couple for our volunteers to use with bounce flash...

    I think though, for up close shooting like this, that a taped small (business size) white card would be all that you need. Later in the tot's development, you will be shooting from a further distance. Then a larger bounce device would come into pay...
    I agree, although the flash actually has a tiny subsidiary flash tube that stays pointing forwards to fill and provide (tiny) catchlights. Since I am going to buy an automatic gun, because I won't have the benefit of a static subject in the months to come and exposure will change faster than I can shoot, assess and re-shoot.

    I will definitely get one that already has such a reflector card feature, or I'll add it myself - after all - I have seen your results, so I know what to aim for. Ditto a larger diffuser.

    Thanks, Dave

  14. #14
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    Beautiful, lovely, super ...
    Thanks Binnur - appreciated

  15. #15
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Quote Originally Posted by rudi View Post
    all very nice, and I really can't offer any advice. Being a recent granddad myself, I am still learning, because this is so far from my comfort zone....
    Congratulations to you too Rudi!

    Quote Originally Posted by rudi View Post
    1°: Chloe in hand: My first idea was to darken a bit the bottom right corner, but on the other hand I would leave it as it is, it kinda balances the image, iff this makes sense.
    Yes, I had a big problem across this shot and had to apply a couple of 1/3 - 1/2 stop gradients to even things up, I think I also applied a very gentle post crop vignette too.

    Quote Originally Posted by rudi View Post
    6°: Am I cute or what ? darken a bit Chloe's shirt in the left top corner ?? The same in 8.
    I did 'burn' both of these (they were worse than this), perhaps I needed to take it a little further.

    I am impressed how you spotted many of the areas I had problems with.

    Thanks for your feedback, Dave

  16. #16
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    These are nicely done images, Dave.

    I'll tag these for reference for the time I will have to think about getting baby shots, although with my daughter and her husband living half way around the world, my opportunities for this type of shooting are going to be somewhat limited.
    Thanks Manfred,

    Yes, I am lucky they are only 60 miles 'down the road', just over an hour and a quarter if I choose the time of day to avoid the commuters.

  17. #17
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Nice efforts, I think the crops (2-5, 8) are a bit too tight but then the star attraction has all the room she needs. I think the solo shots could use a bit more dark tones overall, not necessarily blackness but just enough to allude to calmness.

  18. #18
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Regretably the Vivitar 285 is not safe with modern cameras unless it has been mod-ed. A wonderful flashgun in its time and still at the bottom of my drawer as I cannot bear to part with it! But it is likely to fry any modern camera.

    Nikon have just released the SB5000 which incorporates a radio trigger in one of their guns for the first time, but the price is eye watering at £499.00 (or more! depending on where you get it)

    The Yongnuo range is refreshingly affordable and very widely recommended. As a friend who uses them stated; "at that price it doesnt matter if it goes wrong, I will just get a replacement and still be in pocket compared to a new Nikon".

    Shame he told me that after he knew I had a collection of genuine Nikon speedlights and pocket wizards

  19. #19
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Another way around using an old flash is to use one of these to set it off.

    Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Nice pics of Chloe Dave. Enjoy her while she's young.

  20. #20
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Baby pics 3 - manual bounced flash

    Sorry to be late in this post about Chloe, Dave. Still busy trying to have a "holiday". Wait till Chloe turns will be more than fun having her around with constant "I love you, Papa" sort of thing.

    Anyway...Your posing here has improved. In #1 the diagonal position is very nice...
    #2 is really good! I love this one best. If Chloe is a boy, we can safely say that she is Daddy's mini me. She will still go on different facial transitions, especially around the nose.
    #3 for a dotting Mom and Dad, this is really nice...
    #4 I'd like to say, no comment, but really don't like posed shots. This will be good for a start of an album or a presentation. Or a wall shot...I don't know...
    #5 Another diagonal position. Very nice pose too.
    #6 That is such a cheeky shot. Good one.
    #7 This one is another cutie...I'd fall for that face in a heartbeat.
    Last but not the least...
    #8 Have you tried Rebecca's head a little bit higher so Chloe's head will not be that positioned uncomfortably? Babies are very flexible and versatile and can somewhat be a bit of a contortionist at times but having her head positioned higher will be nicer. She has a pretty face here though, a really baby shot -- soft, nice...I would rather have Rebecca kissing her head tenderly or just looking at Chloe tenderly while she sleeps comfortably on her body, more relaxed...but then this is just me.What do I know? I am more of a distant grandparent than anyone. I only get to see Anika 4 weeks in a year. You are more luckier because you live in the same continent as Chloe and your children.


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