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Thread: Coda: To Max & Donalds' recent threads

  1. #1
    James G's Avatar
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    James Edwards

    Coda: To Max & Donalds' recent threads

    Max, Donald, thanks for starting these two threads...

    The image from 2015 that means the most to me

    Time to reflect - annual reviews and goal setting

    I had been hesitant replying to Max's reflective thread.
    But, having replied, it prompted me to actively review my last year's photography as Donald's post suggested. (Another thread I was havering over responding to!)

    I now realise, perhaps a little more clearly, that regardless of my 'struggles' to progress and improve , just taking the shots, imperfect as they might be, is much better than not doing so. They have always been worth the effort, and a great deal of fun!

    It's kind of obvious when expressed that way, but with the continued effort to do better, to improve, (whatever that actually means), I often forget to enjoy what has actually been achieved.
    I was reminded, that the images I finally selected as 'most memorable' for Donald's thread, had little to do with excellence, but a lot to do with the significant things going on in my life.
    Thanks to you both for getting me to 'remember' why I still love photography!

  2. #2
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Coda: To Max & Donalds' recent threads

    What a nice way to put i, James!

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