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Thread: Annoying fly in the house

  1. #1

    Annoying fly in the house

    Anyone else been annoyed by flies coming in the house?

    Annoying fly in the house

    Really they should know better to come into mine

    That's an old shot but the ones below are some recent efforts....

    Annoying fly in the house

    Annoying fly in the house

    Annoying fly in the house

    Also been shooting some birds on a borrowed 300mm
    Annoying fly in the house

    Thanks for looking.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Dec 2009
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    Re: Annoying fly in the house

    You have a lot of insects in your house .

    Seriously, excellent macros, to tell you the truth I was thinking I would have to capture some insects to try my hand at shots like these.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Anyone else been annoyed by flies coming in the house?

    Annoying fly in the house

    Really they should know better to come into mine

    That's an old shot but the ones below are some recent efforts....

    Annoying fly in the house

    Annoying fly in the house

    Annoying fly in the house

    Also been shooting some birds on a borrowed 300mm
    Annoying fly in the house

    Thanks for looking.

  3. #3
    Stinky's Avatar
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    Re: Annoying fly in the house

    Great shot of the woodpeckers. I have a few myself but nothing closer to this. Great job.

  4. #4

    Re: Annoying fly in the house

    Quote Originally Posted by Stinky View Post
    Great shot of the woodpeckers. I have a few myself but nothing closer to this. Great job.
    We have one that comes to our feeder, which is about 6ft from the kitchen window. Yesterday he was actually sitting on the window-sill, which I thought very unusual.

  5. #5
    Klickit's Avatar
    Join Date
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    In a bus somewhere in New Zealand
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    Kit, aka Slimtla

    Re: Annoying fly in the house

    Stunning macros there. I especially like the spider & fly.

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