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Thread: Where did it start for you guys?

  1. #1
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    Where did it start for you guys?

    A while back, I was sitting there and contemplating deeply about the art of photography. It is something so beautiful and profound. I think this quote describes the best:

    “What i like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.”
    ― Karl Lagerfeld

    Well, I was wondering about my first project. It was to help my dad's close friend develop the site and I was given the chance to take the picture. He placed his faith in me, instead of a professional. It was a brilliant feeling because I was truly happy.

    I still remember that day - I was nervous and a bit shaky too. I had to get it right. The perfect moment. And after hours of taking pictures, I realized that there isn't a perfect moment.

    Beauty lies in the imperfection. Oh look at me, rambling.

    Well, I will stop for now and ask you - where did you get your first break? Tell us that moment where your inner photographer finally bloomed!

    Oh, I am looking forward to reading so many interesting experiences!

    Cheers and thank you for reading, guys. Love you all! X)

  2. #2

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    Re: Where did it start for you guys?

    Quote Originally Posted by NBach View Post
    ...Tell us that moment where your inner photographer finally bloomed!...
    That still hasn't happened for me. I've stated in other threads that for me, photography is more a technical process than art. So it's been a slow progression of improvement. No earth shattering breakthroughs. However, there was a moment when I thought, "yes, I can do this". And that was when I produced my first really successful bird in flight shot. Or at least the one that I considered to be truly successful. For that reason it is one of my all time personal favorites. Here it is, shot in spring of 2009.

    Where did it start for you guys?

  3. #3
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Where did it start for you guys?

    I have never been a professional photographer, but if the proposition is along the lines of "wow! I can do this!".......

    then I must go back to the 60's about 13 yrs old when I found some 'gas light' paper in a drawer. When I asked my father what it was he told me to get a negative and put it on top and wait and see.... when I saw my 'first' positive, that was it ...

    More recently, I managed to take a recognisable image of the Orion Nebula with my 7D and a long (500mm) lens attached. It only took 40+ years Slowly I progress, but every now and then....

  4. #4

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    Re: Where did it start for you guys?

    Probably the main thing for me was when I realised the importance of correct shutter speed. Is the subject moving or am I moving; including camera shake. Then, what speed do I need to get a sharp image?

    Back in the old film days I always seemed to have the wrong film speed loaded in my camera! So much more convient now.

    And trying to adjust for brightness levels by changing the aperture.

  5. #5
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Where did it start for you guys?

    I've never considered myself to be a successful photographer per se, judging from my shots so far. To me it is a hobby for now because I enjoy it. Does being published twice considered a success? Not really when you are at the right place, right time and you know the publisher and his crew personally as in my case...In my last trip, while alone with my eldest son, he asked me if I am a good photographer; why do I have the latest camera system, etc. I told him the same thing...that I may not be a good photographer but I am published...he mulled on that for a while because he is at the stage where his first priority is earning a living (he is a programmer) while I had that chance while they were young...different era, different generation, different reasons.

  6. #6
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    Re: Where did it start for you guys?

    Yea, I have to agree with you guys.

    It's all about that streak, that passion of photography which keeps us going, isn't it?

    The love to capture the moments. Ah, so elegant and beautiful. :')

  7. #7

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    Re: Where did it start for you guys?

    I bought a 35mm point-and-shoot film camera a week before our honeymoon so I would have something to document the trip decades later. Neither I nor my wife had ever owned a camera. I purchased three rolls of slide film, each with 36 exposures, expecting them to last the trip (about 7 to 10 days). I used those three rolls of film by the morning of the second day. That morning I was in a restaurant lying on the floor photographing the ceiling and was forever hooked on travel photography.

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Where did it start for you guys?

    Got my first camera when I was 9, my second around 13 and my first SLR when I was 17 and my second one at 24 .

    Where did it start for you guys?

    Started working in the wet darkroom (B&W and colour negatives, slides and printing) at 17 as well and set up a home colour darkroom.

    Got my first real digital camera in 2001 (Canon Powershot S40), started using Photoshop in 2003 and got my first DSLR in 2010.

    I guess I've been into "serious amateur photography" for a long time.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 17th March 2015 at 06:04 PM.

  9. #9
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    Re: Where did it start for you guys?

    Wow, reading such a diverse spectrum of stories, I find it to be highly inspiring.

    Good stuff, guys! Good stuff.

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