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Thread: The 1st moment of light in the desert

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    currently in Abu Dhabi

    The 1st moment of light in the desert

    Fellow members,

    It was taken in the early morning just after a night sand storm in the desert in Ain, Abu Dhabi. We lost our orientation because of hills around and waited for an hour before we saw the Sun bursting out from the cloud. I like the sandy colour and the soft light against the fading sky.

    Taken by Nikon D40x.

    Comments are most welcome.

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 13th May 2010 at 11:28 AM. Reason: add image inline

  2. #2
    Superka's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
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    Pavel Suprun

    Re: The 1st moment of light in the desert

    It is beautiful, but toooo low resolution!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Real Name

    Re: The 1st moment of light in the desert

    Comments are most welcome.
    I like this very much, but there are technical problems of the same type that I am used to in my own shots. Whether it is low resolution as suggested by Pavel, or some kind of issue in PP or resizing I do not know but hope that someone with more technical expertise than myself might comment.

    There seems to be a lot of what I have heard referred to as mosquito fringing along the edges of the sand dunes and sun.

    Very nice colours and compositon, and a lovely shot to view.

    I dont' know if my EXIF reader is giving me wrong information, but it says this was shot with a FUJI Fine Pix F5800 rather than a Nikon D40x, which makes no difference to me, but may make a big difference to anyone commenting on technical aspects.


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