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Thread: Hotel Cigano / Gybsy Hotel

  1. #1
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Hotel Cigano / Gybsy Hotel

    Last Monday we have been to Borba visiting the marble quarries.
    I had previously arranged a visit with a local association and we were able to visit two quarries one of which is 100 meters deep. My wife and myself we jumped into one of these equipements and down we went. It is not a sallon for three but we were able to get into the cabin as the descent was just some 10 to 15 minutes.
    My first photograph down there was this one. I had been taking photographs as we went down but nothing worth to share with you, at least for now.
    The place was pretty muddy but I felt no danger whatsoever... however, some precautions must be taken.
    The temperature was mild in contrast with some cold at the surface.
    It is in fact the very same quarrier Michael Burtynsky has photographed some years ago. Picture number 7.

    Under this thread I hope to be able to post some more images of this experience as I work on them.

    Hotel Cigano / Gybsy Hotel

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Hotel Cigano / Gybsy Hotel

    A very nice image. I prefer your approach to Burtynsky's. He is so busy with his social messages (and I'm not suggesting I disagree with them) done on a huge scale, that he seems to treat humans as bulk material in his images, rather than individuals.

    Your quarry worker is human. Bravo!

    I look forward to your other images from your visit to this quarry.

  3. #3
    ashcroft's Avatar
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    Re: Hotel Cigano / Gybsy Hotel

    Excellent image, Antonio. Very good processing too. The yellow truck looks fun!

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Hotel Cigano / Gybsy Hotel

    Nicely captured.

  5. #5
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Hotel Cigano / Gybsy Hotel

    Lovely capture Antonio!

  6. #6
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Hotel Cigano / Gybsy Hotel

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    A very nice image. I prefer your approach to Burtynsky's. He is so busy with his social messages (and I'm not suggesting I disagree with them) done on a huge scale, that he seems to treat humans as bulk material in his images, rather than individuals.

    Your quarry worker is human. Bravo!

    I look forward to your other images from your visit to this quarry.
    Thank you Manfred but do not compare me with Edward please. He is far better than me !
    In fact, the introduction of the human element is essencial to confer a scale to most of the photographs we take. There are occasions when even without that element the scale is present.
    Quote Originally Posted by ashcroft View Post
    Excellent image, Antonio. Very good processing too. The yellow truck looks fun!
    Thank you Rob. Yellow truck ?...
    Thank you John and David !

    Hotel Cigano / Gybsy Hotel

  7. #7
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Hotel Cigano / Gybsy Hotel

    Here as the quarry as abandoned, the human scale is missing.
    Hotel Cigano / Gybsy Hotel

  8. #8

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    Re: Hotel Cigano / Gybsy Hotel

    Very nice and interesting shots

  9. #9
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Hotel Cigano / Gybsy Hotel

    Antonio, the last two images are really quite impressive as well. The last one with the water pool in the bottom of the quarry and the cut lines where the marble was excavated in just sublime. It is not quite abstract, yet not quite real looking either. That works really well, and of course the post-processing is right up there with some of your other great work.

    Thank's for posting it, I really do enjoy this series of images!
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 23rd December 2014 at 08:27 PM. Reason: typo

  10. #10

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    Re: Hotel Cigano / Gybsy Hotel

    When this thread was initially posted, I wasn't feeling well and decided to wait until I felt better. It's nice to see that two more images have been added. Looking forward to seeing more from this location!

  11. #11
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Hotel Cigano / Gybsy Hotel

    Thank you all for the nice comments.
    I like the one bellow very much. Don't you ?
    Hotel Cigano / Gybsy Hotel

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