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Thread: Advice please, D810 post process

  1. #1
    takfuji's Avatar
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    Advice please, D810 post process

    Got a Nikon D810, started to use Capture NX-D, but disappointed.
    Am a long user of a Canon high-end camera with DPP, which is a fairly good software.
    Am also use Photoshop CS4 and CS6 for touch up and editing such as focus stacking etc.

    NX-D on the other hand is a disaster. It takes about 30 seconds to just display 50-100% zoom-up for focus verification. Many other disadvantages in post process keeps me off from this software.

    Now, as I am new to Nikon, I wold be great if gurus here advice me practical solution to this problem. What is a recommended process flow?
    Can LightRoom then Photoshop be a candidate?

    Tak Fujiwara

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Advice please, D810 post process

    Actually, Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) is what most people would use as a RAW converter; this is of course part of the Photoshop package. The Lightroom Develop Module and ACR functionality are built on an identical engine, so this would certainly work; assuming that you are using a version of either software that has the D810 drivers. This means Photoshop CC2014 or Lightroom 5, not the earlier versions you have listed.

    If you don't like Capture NX-D (I haven't tried it), there are other RAW converters that you could consider. I also use DxO Optics Pro 9 and Phase One Capture One. Both will also support this camera's RAW data.

  3. #3
    takfuji's Avatar
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    Re: Advice please, D810 post process

    >not the earlier versions you have listed.

    CS4 requires DNG, but CS6 with Camera Raw seems handling D810 NEF, as my trial.
    Is there any problem on CS6 to deal with D810 NEF?
    If it works, can I use LR5.6 with CS6? (I do not own LR)

    Did not know DxO and Phase One Capture One. Will investigate them, too.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Advice please, D810 post process

    I suspect you will find DxO painfully slow. It does a great job correcting lens distortions and vignetting, but the user interface is not great and the software is quite slow. So far as I know, you need Lightroom 5.6 and Adobe Camera Raw 8.6 for the D810. I suspect that Adobe will have updated the DNG converter so that you can use older versions of Photoshop. I've recently started to use Capture One and find that it is quite good and I prefer its functionality over Lightroom.

    What I don't know is if they have updated the ACR engine and profiles for CS6, as I am on CC 2014.

  5. #5
    takfuji's Avatar
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    Re: Advice please, D810 post process

    Thank you for suggestion.
    Downloaded Capture One 8 trial version and played with it for 30 minutes or so. Looks promising.

    Though I have not gone into all corners of Capture One, I feel I can live with it.
    I think I will be able to bridge to CS6 by TIFF16 if any complex function is required. Adequate solution?

  6. #6
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Advice please, D810 post process

    Hi Tak

    I am currently running CS6 with version 8.4 of ACR. However when I check for updates, it indicates ACR 8.6 is available so you should be able to run it with CS6. This should satisfy all your needs ie raw processing in ACR and then onto CS6.

    I think you'll find that an ACR update such as v8.6 will provide updated raw file compatability when used with CS6 but not extra features over earlier versions which will only be available with CS subscription.

    I suspect most people could live without these extra features however you could probably get them with LR5 if you really wanted them. That and the catalogue would be the only reasons for buying Lightroom if you already own CS6. Some people like the LR catalogue system, others loathe it !!


  7. #7
    takfuji's Avatar
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    Re: Advice please, D810 post process

    Thanks Dave,
    Yes, I have ACR8.6 installed. Problem was workflow as CS6 does not have file system (caltaloging). My workflow was DPP for filing and simple editing, and bridge to CS6 for complex editing when required.
    I thought NX-D could do DPP's work for NEF, but did not actually.
    Adobe Bridge is just for cataloging only and have none of editing function.

    You suggest LR can be in that position.
    I will compare Capture One and LR in detail. So far I found that Capture One does not have the button of "launch other application", but I will manage somehow.

    Thank you Manfred and Dave for good help.

  8. #8
    Kodiak's Avatar
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    Re: Advice please, D810 post process

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    I've recently started to use Capture One and find that it is quite good and I prefer its functionality over Lightroom.
    Welcome to the club Manfred…

  9. #9
    Kodiak's Avatar
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    Re: Advice please, D810 post process

    Quote Originally Posted by takfuji View Post
    …Though I have not gone into all corners of Capture One, I feel I can live with it.
    Get ready to live very well! I've been a long time user and nothing comes close yet!

    I think I will be able to bridge to CS6 by TIFF16 if any complex function is required. Adequate solution?
    For sure! Once you get along with the export recipes, nothing will stand in your way.

  10. #10
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Advice please, D810 post process

    Tak - your need for cataloging was not clear in your initial post. Neither Photoshop, ACR, Nikon Capture or DxO Optics Pro 9 are cataloging tools, so are not what you are after.

    There are definitely options out there and the most popular one is Lightroom. Phase One's Capture One is another. There are some third party ones out there as well, and so long as you understand the risks of using a monolithic data structure that Lightroom uses in its catalog (and edit storage) design, you may find it meets your needs. I was directed to Capture One by a professional photographer and got the pro version a few weeks ago. I see why he prefers it to Lightroom.

  11. #11
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Advice please, D810 post process

    I used to use ViewNX2 (free with purchase of a camera) for transfer only and because my version of Elements wasn't compatible with the camera model I used a DNG converter for RAW images.

  12. #12
    takfuji's Avatar
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    Re: Advice please, D810 post process

    Thank you everyone,
    I have just got a Capture One Pro 8 license.
    Appreciate all messages, really helped me.

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